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Cloaks Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Inv misc cape 16 [Cloak of Arcane Evasion] Arabelle, Duchu, Meanae, Tathris Bragash, Crucio, Ekimmu, Jecaa, Kesh, Mordra
Inv misc cape 20 [Cloak of Darkness]
Inv misc cape 10 [Cloak of Eternity] Osangar Bragash, Crucio, Ekimmu, Iridescent, Kesh
Inv misc cape 20 [Cloak of the Black Void] Gruturistic, Meanae, Osangar Crucio, Ekimmu, Igniter, Kesh, Loesjetwee
Inv misc cape 16 [Manaweave Cloak] Meanae, Osangar Igniter
Inv misc cape 16 [Resolute Cape] Meanae, Tathris Crucio, Igniter, Kesh, Loranza
Inv misc cape 18 [Vengeance Wrap] Eager, Ezekeil, Meanae, Osangar Ekimmu, Kesh, Loranza, Paroxysm, Shinar, Silencium, Tanathos
Inv misc cape 11 [White Remedy Cape] Clawsofdoom, Meanae, Osangar, Tathris Igniter, Kesh, Shinar
Inv boots 07 [Arcanoweave Boots] Arabelle, Duchu, Eager, Ezekeil, Inrandem, Timbobjambo Ekimmu, Mordra, Soljin
Inv bracer 19 [Arcanoweave Bracers] Duchu, Eager, Ezekeil, Inrandem, Tathris, Timbobjambo Kesh, Soljin
Inv chest cloth 01 [Arcanoweave Robe] Arabelle, Duchu, Eager, Ezekeil, Inrandem, Tathris, Timbobjambo, Æøñ Ekimmu, Loesjetwee, Mordra, Shinar
Inv helmet 70 [Battlecast Hood] Clau, Xeragog, Luiniel Crucio, Kesh, Matilol, Salis
Inv pants cloth 12 [Battlecast Pants] Xeragog Matilol, Shinar
Inv belt 13 [Belt of Blasting] Ezekeil, Inrandem, Luiniel Ekimmu, Matilol, Shinar, Siewie, Soljin
Inv belt 05 [Belt of the Long Road] Wibe
Inv bracer 07 [Blackstrike Bracers] Eager, Meanae, Osangar Kesh, Mordra
Inv belt 26 [Black Belt of Knowledge] Meanae, Clawsofdoom, Osangar Dantexvi, Ekimmu, Igniter, Loranza
Inv bracer 10 [Bracers of Havok] Meanae Igniter, Kesh, Paroxysm, Shinar
Inv bracer 13 [Bracers of Nimble Thought] Shinar
Inv bracer 11 [Flameheart Bracers] Aicha, Arabelle, Ezekeil, Meanae Kesh, Shinar
Inv gauntlets 19 [Flameheart Gloves] Aicha, Arabelle, Ezekeil, Tathris Kesh
Inv chest cloth 07 [Flameheart Vest] Aicha, Ezekeil Kesh, Shinar
Inv belt 13 [Girdle of Ruination] Clerk, Osangar Crucio, Igniter, Kesh, Silencium
Inv gauntlets 63 [Hands of Eternal Light] Aerona Shinar
Inv shoulder 02 [Mantle of Nimble Thought] Meanae
Inv chest christmas02 [Red Winter Clothes] Kesh
Inv shoulder 02 [Soulcloth Shoulders]
Inv chest cloth 12 [Soulcloth Vest] Ezekeil Mordra
Inv helmet 27 [Spellstrike Hood] Clawsofdoom, Meanae Comfy, Igniter, Matilol, Mordra, Orthos, Paroxysm, Thecrook
Inv pants cloth 14 [Spellstrike Pants] Clawsofdoom, Dagnarus, Ezekeil, Meanae, Osangar, Powerpufgirl Crucio, Loranza, Matilol, Mordra, Paroxysm, Thecrook
Inv gauntlets 49 [Sunfire Handwraps] Mellow Dedarog, Khomeiwon, Maluch, Shinar, Volkan
Inv bracer 11 [Unyielding Bracers] Arabelle, Clerk, Duchu, Meanae Igniter, Paroxysm, Silencium
Inv belt 03 [Unyielding Girdle] Duchu, Emo, Powerpufgirl Igniter, Kesh
Inv helmet 53 [Whitemend Hood] Alfy, Gabriella, Æøñ Jecaa, Matilol, Paroxysm
Inv pants cloth 07 [Whitemend Pants] Aicha Igniter, Soljin
Inv misc bag 15 [Bag of Jewels] Meanae Soljin
Inv misc bag corefelclothbag [Core Felcloth Bag] Tathris
Inv misc bag felclothbag [Ebon Shadowbag] Ezekeil, Meanae, Tathris, Timbobjambo, Xeragog, Luiniel Kesh, Mordra, Soljin
Spell holy restoration [Golden Spellthread] Arabelle, Ezekeil, Meanae, Timbobjambo, Xeragog Kesh, Loranza, Shinar
Spell nature astralrecal [Mystic Spellthread] Æøñ Ekimmu, Mordra, Soljin
Inv misc bag 25 mooncloth [Primal Mooncloth Bag] Arabelle, Duchu, Ezekeil, Meanae, Xeragog, Luiniel Grimmline, Kesh, Loesjetwee
Spell nature astralrecalgroup [Runic Spellthread] Powerpufgirl, Æøñ Ekimmu, Igniter, Mordra, Soljin, Wibe
Inv misc bag satchelofcenarius [Satchel of Cenarius] Ezekeil, Tathris Igniter, Kesh, Tanathos
Spell nature lightning [Silver Spellthread] Arabelle, Ezekeil, Meanae, Gruturistic, Luthien,Timbobjambo, Tathris, Xeragog, Luiniel Kesh
Inv misc bag 26 spellfire [Spellfire Bag] Ezekeil, Meanae, Xeragog, Æøñ, Luiniel Kesh
Inv chest chain 14 [Gordok Ogre Suit] Meanae