Malygos is a Central timezone PvE server, and one of the original World of Warcraft realms. It's raiding community is favored largely towards Alliance players, but has shown growth in 2009 on the Horde side. Server progression is moderate, but led strongly by Horde Guild Hell. Roughly a dozen guilds cleared the first set of Icecrown content prior to the second set of bosses being unlock.
Outside of raiding, the server continues to have a stable economy, active PVP scene, and your typical trade chat.
Server:Malygos US/section
Server:Malygos US/section
Ahn'Qiraj War Effort - 95th U.S. Server to Open Gates
- Opened By: Aeria of Eminence
Hell maintains position as top guild on the server - Top 300 US
Fortis is the top alliance guild on the server - Top 900 US
† Latin American servers |