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This article is an information page for the Nagrand realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.




Server Info[]

Online Date: 17 / 01 - 2007
Open for Character Transfer: 17 / 07 - 2007
Language: English
Server type: PvE
Population ratio: Alliance1.2 : Horde1

Population info from Warcraftrealms


Nagrand is a European PvE server launched around the time of the release of The Burning Crusade.

In order to offer a fresh start for new and old players alike the server has been closed for transfers of any kind during its first six months of existence. As a natural consequence of this all major guilds on the server are native rather than transferred, and as such the raid progress has been somewhat slower than that of established guilds on older servers.
On the 17th of July 2007 the server opened up for paid character transfers and has since had a steady influx of transferring high level characters from older servers.

Alliance Alliance:
The Alliance guild Imperium was first with downing new bosses.
Imperium got the server first Illidan kill on 16/02/2008.
They continued into the Sunwell Plateau and killed the first boss, Kalecgos.
At this stage, Imperium had some trouble thereafter and stepped down from 25-man raiding.
Soon after on the Alliance side it was Heretic and Mutiny that were gearing up in Black Temple and Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit.
Both guilds have cleared Mount Hyjal and Black Temple and started to raid Sunwell Plateau aswell.
Heretic soon claimed the server first Brutallus kill, and a few weeks later, after the last Burning Crusade patch Heretic also claimed server firsts on the remaining Sunwell Plateau bosses.

Inv weapon glave 01 [Warglaive of Azzinoth]

  • Zlobus of Imperium (Off hand) (Server first)
  • Bupu of Heretic (Main hand)
  • Gráth of Mutiny (Off hand)
  • Aethidd of Mutiny (Main hand)

Horde Horde:
Old School took the first horde kill for Kael'thas.
Horde guilds: Old School and Mutilate were racing each other to get as many Horde Firsts on the server in MH and BT.
Old School managed to get them all in MH with Mutilate taking a few in BT.
The first Horde Illidan kill was done on 25/05/2008 by Old School with Mutilate coming in a strong second at 27/05/2008.
Kalecgos & Sathrovarr the Corruptor was finally killed by Mutilate on the 5th of August 2008, with Old School coming in second following shortly afterwards.

Inv weapon glave 01 [Warglaive of Azzinoth]

  • Fregel of Old School (Off hand) (Horde first)
  • Serb of Russian Crusade (Off hand) (transferred)
  • Fenchurch of Mutilate (Off hand)

Origin of the name 'Nagrand'[]

Nagrand is the name of a region in southwest Outland, added to the game world with the release of The Burning Crusade.

Nagrand is the last unscarred region in Outland. It is the ancestral home of the orcs and the heart of early orcish shamanism. Today it is a fertile retreat where elementals commune with mortals on a regular basis. Marauding ogres from the Blade's Edge Mountains, meaning to claim the territory as their own, currently pose the greatest threat to this unspoiled reserve.



Nagrand has its own IRC server which can be found at: @ Quakenet

Realm Firsts[]

First lv80[]

Arzashgul Horde

First Class Achievements[]

Death Knight - Chimera Alliance
Druid - Vrey Alliance
Hunter - Spanglez Alliance
Mage - Arzashgul Horde
Paladin - Liyah Alliance
Priest - Faythung Horde
Rogue - Whíne Alliance
Shaman - Axxon Alliance
Warlock - Grimsoe Horde
Warrior - Stormyday Horde

First Race Achievements[]


Human - Turanduban
Dwarf - Whíne
Night Elf - Vrey
Gnome - Hazzi
Draenei - Liyah


Orc - Grimsoe
Undead - Arzashgul
Tauren - Stormyday
Troll - Justbe
Blood Elf - Herjus

First Level 70s[]

Alliance Alliance: Firestorm <Alpha>, Amon <Alpha>, Vooie <Alpha>
Horde Horde: Aphex (server first), Meepy <Eternal Circle>

Professions to 450 skill[]

Alchemy - Xephyr Alliance
Blacksmithing - Nizze Alliance
Enchanting - Selune Alliance
Engineering - Maltreat Alliance
Herbalism - Axeldeath Alliance
Inscription - Niraya Alliance
Jewelcrafting - Laros Alliance
Leatherworking - Ilrofflell Alliance
Mining - Maltreat Alliance
Skinning - Garwlad Alliance
Tailoring - Thelin Alliance

Cooking - Calavara Alliance
First Aid - Grimsoe Horde
Fishing - Flitie Alliance

Guilds of Nagrand[]

Note: Feel free to add your own guild here with a link.

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Asylum ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Blades of Light ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
BURNING BLIZZARD ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
CC Is For Chumps ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Corithians ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Cult of Odins Wrath ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
de BierGilde ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Demoni della notte ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Det Danske Jægerkorps ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Dutch Intruders ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Elite of Sweden ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Emerald Dream Guardians ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Envy ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
EQUINOX ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Erruption ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Gnomads ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Gods Lost Children ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Guardians of the Light ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Guards of Azeroth ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Heretic ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Imperium ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Iluminati ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Invictus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Mutiny ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Night Legion ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Phoenix Lords ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Revolution ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Scions Of Proteus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Sin ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Stealth Of The Scorpion ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Superiority ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Blacknights ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
THE CHOSEN ONES ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Covenant ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Tranquility ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Tribal ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Twilight ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Untamed ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Horde Crest Horde »

TheBrotherHorde ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Balcanica ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Blood and Honor ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
BloodBane ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Bloodhounds ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Children Of Prometheus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Cleanse ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Dark Horizonz ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Decima Legio ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Equilibrium ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Helios ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Hex ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Legacy ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
lnvictus ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Misery ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Natural Born Killers ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Ommadawn ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Old School ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
PITY THE FOO ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Ready Check ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Republic ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Storm ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
terror of death ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
the Betrayer ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Burning Dead ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Champions of Blood ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Hoods ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Outcast ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Selfish Gene ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Three Hundred ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Unlikely ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Warlords Of Nagrand ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Wrath of the Lich Kings ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Yorkshire Puddings ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Wrath-Logo-Small WotLK Raid Progression[]

Note: When X1/X2 is shown, it is showing how many bosses(X1) out of the total amount of bosses(X2) have been defeated in areas with more than one.
When a boss is marked with a 'X' then it is downed by that guild; a '-' means it hasn't been downed yet.

Icecrown Citadel[]

Normal (10-man)[]

Guild Storming the Citadel The Plagueworks The Crimson Hall The Frostwing Halls Lich King
Horde The Burning Dead 4/4 -/3 -/2 -/2 -/1

Icecrown Citadel[]

Normal (25-man)[]

Guild Storming the Citadel The Plagueworks The Crimson Hall The Frostwing Halls Lich King
Horde The Burning Dead 4/4 2/3 1/2 -/2 -/1

Eye of Eternity[]

Heroic (25-man)[]

Guild Malygos
Alliance Imperium X
Horde Cleanse X

Obsidian Sanctum[]

Heroic (25-man)[]

Guild Sartharion One Lieutenant Alive Two Lieutenants Alive Three Lieutenants Alive
Alliance Imperium X - X -
Alliance Mutiny X - - -
Horde Cleanse X X X X
Horde Old School X - - -
Horde the Betrayer X - - -
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X


Heroic (25-man)[]

Guild Arachnid Quarter Plague Quarter Military Quarter Construct Quarter Frostwyrm Lair
Alliance Imperium 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 2/2 Clear
Alliance Mutiny 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 2/2 Clear
Horde Old School 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 2/2 Clear
Alliance Severance 3/3 -/3 3/3 1/4 -/2
Alliance Heretic 3/3 3/3 -/3 -/4 -/2
Horde the Betrayer 3/3 3/3 -/3 -/4 -/2
Horde Cleanse 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 2/2 Clear
Horde The Burning Dead 3/3 -/3 2/3 3/4 -/2

Bc icon TBC Raid Progression[]

Note: When a boss is marked with a 'X' then it is downed by that guild; a '-' means it hasn't been downed yet.

Sunwell Plateau[]

Guild Kalecgos Brutallus Felmyst Eredar Twins M'uru Kil'jaeden
Alliance Heretic X X X X X X
Horde Old School X X X X X X
Alliance Imperium X - - - - -
Horde Mutilate X - - - - -
Horde the Betrayer X - - - - -
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X

Black Temple[]

Guild High Warlord Naj'entus Supremus Shade of Akama Teron Gorefiend Gurtogg Bloodboil Reliquary of Souls Mother Shahraz Illidari Council Illidan Stormrage
Alliance Imperium X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Mutiny X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X X X X X X X
Alliance The Heretic Order X X X X X X X - -
Alliance Renaissance X X X X X X - - -
Alliance Revolution X X X - - - - - -
Horde Old School X X X X X X X X X
Horde Russian Crusade X X X X X X X X X
Horde Mutilate X X X X X X X X X
Horde Oracle X X X X X X X - -
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X X X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X X X X X X X
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X X X

Hyjal Summit[]

Guild Rage Winterchill Anetheron Kaz'rogal Azgalor Archimonde
Alliance Imperium X X X X X
Alliance Mutiny X X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X X -
Alliance Revolution X X X X -
Horde Old School X X X X X
Horde Russian Crusade X X X X X
Horde Oracle X X X X X
Horde Mutilate X X X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X
Horde The Heretic Order X X X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X X X
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X

The Eye[]

Guild Al'ar Void Reaver High Astromancer Solarian Kael'thas Sunstrider
Alliance Imperium X X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X X
Alliance Mutiny X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X -
Alliance Revolution X X X -
Alliance Sin X X X X
Horde Old School X X X X
Horde Mutilate X X X X
Horde Oracle X X X X
Horde Russian Crusade X X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X X
Horde Equilibrium - X - -
Horde Eternal Circle - X - -

Serpentshrine Cavern[]

Guild Hydross the Unstable The Lurker Below Morogrim Tidewalker Fathom-Lord Karathress Leotheras the Blind Lady Vashj
Alliance Imperium X X X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X X X X
Alliance Mutiny X X X X X X
Alliance Sin X X X X X X
Alliance Revolution X X X X X -
Horde Mutilate X X X X X X
Horde Oracle X X X X X X
Horde Old School X X X X X X
Horde Russian Crusade X X X X X X
Horde Equilibrium X X X - - -
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X X X X

Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair[]

Guild High King Maulgar Gruul the Dragonkiller Magtheridon
Alliance Mutiny X X X
Alliance Imperium X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X
Alliance Sin X X X
Alliance Revolution X X X
Alliance The Order of Azeroth X X -
Horde Mutilate X X X
Horde Oracle X X X
Horde Equilibrium X X X
Horde Old School X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X
Horde The Burning Dead X X X

World raid encounters[]

Guild Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker
Alliance Mutiny X X
Alliance Imperium X X
Alliance Renaissance X X
Alliance Heretic X X
Horde Mutilate X X
Horde Oracle X X
Horde Old School X X
Horde Cleanse X X
Horde the Betrayer - X


Guild Nalorakk Akil'zon Jan'alai Halazzi Hex Lord Malacrass Zul'jin Timed Event
Alliance Mutiny X X X X X X X
Alliance Imperium X X X X X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X X - - -
Alliance Sin X X X X X X -
Alliance Revolution X X X X X X -
Alliance The Order of Azeroth X X X X - - -
Horde Mutilate X X X X X X -
Horde Oracle X X X X X X -
Horde Equilibrium X X X X X X -
Horde Old School X X X X X X -
Horde Hex X X X X X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X X -
Horde Cleanse X X X X X X -
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X


Guild Attumen the Huntsman Moroes Maiden of Virtue Opera Event The Curator Chess Event Terestian Illhoof Shade of Aran Netherspite Prince Malchezaar Nightbane
Alliance Mutiny X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Imperium X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Renaissance X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Heretic X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Revolution X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Sin X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance The Order of Azeroth X X X X X X X X X X X
Alliance Darksouls X X X X X X X X - X X
Horde Mutilate X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde Oracle X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde Equilibrium X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde Old School X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde Hex X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde Cleanse X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde the Betrayer X X X X X X X X X X X
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X X X X X

Classic Raid Progression[]

Note: When a boss is marked with a 'X' then it is downed by that guild; a '-' means it hasn't been downed yet.

Blackwing Lair[]

Guild Razorgore the Untamed Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Broodlord Lashlayer Firemaw Ebonroc Flamegor Chromaggus Nefarian
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X X

Molten Core[]

Guild Lucifron Majordomo Executus Sulfuron Harbinger Golemagg Shazzrah Baron Geddon Garr Gehennas Magmadar Ragnaros
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X X X X


Guild High Priestess Jeklik High Priest Venoxis Bloodlord Mandokir High Priestess Mar'li High Priest Thekal High Priestess Arlokk Jin'do the Hexxer Hakkar
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X X X

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj[]

Guild Kurinnaxx General Rajaxx Moam Buru The Gorger Ayamiss the Hunter Ossirian the Unscarred
Horde The Burning Dead X X X X X X