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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realm Misha US

Realms  Rexxar (Player vs Environment)


This article is an information page for the Rexxar realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Ability racial avatarVengeance (US) »
Oceanic servers

Server Information[]

Rexxar was opened in early 2006 as a transfer destination of four overpopulated realms. On 2/16/06 free transfers from Draenor, Feathermoon, Suramar and Windrunner were closed and the realm was opened to all. The realm is on CST time and part of Battlegroup 6. PvE Progression is Good, with both sides standing out in PvP before and after the Cross Realm links were established.

The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj[]

On 05/13/06 the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were unlocked by Oracle and thanks to all the players that contributed to the War Efforts. Armer of <Oracle>, a human priest, was the bearer of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands who officially unlocked the gate.

The format used here is based on the Mal'Ganis Realm Wiki.

Beyond Boundaries[]

On January 16, 2007 the Burning Crusade was released for the masses with many retailers holding a special Midnight (12:01AM) event to sell and promote the game. Just a few minutes after release, Dezzy went through the Dark Portal marking the first player to step foot into the Outland on the Rexxar realm. Also, Dont forget to bring a towel on your adventures fellow Rexxarians.

Guild Progression & Official Forums Links[]

Guild Listing[]

Alliance Crest Alliance

Horde Crest Horde

Guild Website
Alliance Academy Website
Alliance Accendo Nox Nocto Website
Alliance Acid Reign Website
Alliance Afterlife Website
Alliance Avaledan Website
Alliance Canadian Maple Syrup Eh
Alliance Carnage Asada Website
Alliance Casual Heroes Website
Alliance Chaos Website
Alliance COA Website
Alliance Coupe de Grace Website
Alliance Company of Misfits Website
Alliance Deadly Panda Squad Website
Alliance Divine Ascension
Alliance Dragons Elite Website
Alliance Effect Website
Alliance Emerald Website
Alliance Enduring Nobility Website
Alliance Epicism Website
Alliance Fire Website
Alliance Forget Your Sanity Website
Alliance Genesis Website
Alliance Guild of Hard Knocks Website
Alliance Hand of Justice Website
Alliance Holy Legion Website
Alliance Horde Reapers Website
Alliance Horizon Website
Alliance Illuminance Website
Alliance Immersion Website
Alliance Integrity Website
Alliance Intolerance Website
Alliance Late Night Website
Alliance Legends Website
Alliance Legion of Lord Kromdor Website
Alliance Lich Slapped Website
Alliance Luminous Dark Website
Alliance Mile High Club Website
Alliance Napoleon Complex Website
Alliance No Quarter Website
Alliance Paper Street Soap Co. Website
Alliance Paragon Website
Alliance Pick Up Group Website
Alliance Pink Death Bunnies Website
Alliance Plastic Street Soap Co Website
Alliance Prophecy Website
Alliance Red Light District Website
Alliance Rise of Forsaken Legends Website
Alliance Rain Makers Website
Alliance Running with Daggers Website
Alliance Secret Squirrel Radio Website
Alliance Sisters of the Light Website
Alliance smashing Website
Alliance Spellbound Website
Alliance sub humans
Alliance teamGTO Website
Alliance The Burning Legion Website
Alliance The Bushido Clan
Alliance The Friday Kights Website
Alliance The Purity Website
Alliance The Rebirth
Alliance The Underground Alliance Website
Alliance The Unbroken Alliance
Alliance Trade Channel Mafia
Alliance Unbroken Website
Alliance USKTA Website
Alliance VoS Website
Alliance Waller Windsors Website
Alliance We Know Two Website
Alliance YARG Website
Alliance Gírls Gønè WøW Website
Guild Website
Horde Greed is Good Website
Horde Cabal of the Dark Lady Website
Horde Crit Happens Website
Horde Cult of the Faceless One Website
Horde Edge of Chaos Website
Horde Farm Status Website
Horde Game Over Website
Horde Insurgency Website
Horde Morbid Fury Website
Horde Obsidian Guard Website
Horde Omega Syndicate Website
Horde Slash gquit Website
Horde Souls of the Dämned Website
Horde Sparkle Motion Website
Horde The Exiled Website
Horde The Nightsong Clan Website
Horde The Shadow Clan
Horde The Squad Website
Horde Vengeful Requiem Website
Horde Victi Vincimus Website
Horde Superiority Complex Website
Horde Shinobi Website

Grand Marshalls/High Warlords[]

Alliance Crest Alliance

Horde Crest Horde

Date Toon Info
02/14/06 Hunter IconSmall NightElf Female Lunia
03/22/06 Hunter IconSmall NightElf Female Obeisance
05/02/06 Priest IconSmall Human Female Slidell
05/16/06 Hunter IconSmall NightElf Male Saccaraeus
05/16/06 Warrior IconSmall NightElf Male Brisk
06/06/06 Warrior IconSmall Human Male Crackerjax
06/27/06 Warlock IconSmall Gnome Female Thistlebop
07/18/06 Mage IconSmall Gnome Male Larvae
07/18/06 Paladin IconSmall Human Male Doomhammer
08/29/06 Hunter IconSmall NightElf Male Blithe
09/19/06 Rogue IconSmall NightElf Female Aurorady
10/03/06 Rogue IconSmall NightElf Female Park
10/24/06 Paladin IconSmall Human Male Yasserz
11/21/06 Rogue IconSmall Human Female Cathana
<Unknown> Warrior IconSmall Dwarf Male Riptoid
Date Toon Info
03/14/06 Priest IconSmall Undead Male Prophet
03/28/06 Druid IconSmall Tauren Male Shadowcasts
04/11/06 Hunter IconSmall Troll Male Killers
05/02/06 Warrior IconSmall Tauren Male Ahato
05/16/06 Priest IconSmall Undead Male Shadowcorpse
05/16/06 Warrior IconSmall Orc Male Annihilator
06/06/06 Rogue IconSmall Troll Male Smokintroll
07/11/06 Warrior IconSmall Tauren Male Xanderlukaz
08/01/06 Shaman IconSmall Tauren Male Elipse
08/08/06 Warrior IconSmall Orc Male Gorkidus
08/29/06 Warlock IconSmall Orc Male Acehall
09/19/06 Rogue IconSmall Orc Male Varbog
10/10/06 Priest IconSmall Undead Male Clawz

Realm First! Feats of Strength[]

Mists of Pandaria - Realm First! Feats of Strength[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.
Title Description Achieved By
Realm First! Zen Master Alchemist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Alchemy alchemy. Alliance Rukus - Window Lickers
Realm First! Zen Master Angler First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Fishing fishing.
Realm First! Zen Master Archaeologist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Archaeology archaeology.
Realm First! Zen Master Cook First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Cooking cooking.
Realm First! Zen Master Blacksmith First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Blacksmithing blacksmithing.
Realm First! Zen Master Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Enchanting enchanting.
Realm First! Zen Master Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Engineering engineering.
Realm First! Zen Master Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Herbalism herbalism. Alliance Stinkytwinky - Window Lickers
Realm First! Zen Master Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Jewelcrafting jewelcrafting.
Realm First! Zen Master Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Leatherworking leatherworking.
Realm First! Zen Master Medic First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in First Aid.
Realm First! Zen Master Miner First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Mining mining.
Realm First! Zen Master Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Inscription inscription.
Realm First! Zen Master Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Skinning skinning.
Realm First! Zen Master Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in Tailoring tailoring.
Realm First! Level 90 First on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Death Knight First Death Knight on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Druid First Druid on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Hunter First Hunter on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Mage First Mage on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Monk First Monk on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Paladin First Paladin on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Priest First Priest on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Rogue First Rogue on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Shaman First Shaman on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Warlock First Warlock on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Level 90 Warrior First Warrior on the realm to achieve level 90.
Realm First! Challenge Conqueror: Gold First person on the realm to complete every Challenge Mode dungeon with a rating of Gold.
Realm First! Pandaren Ambassador First person on the realm to gain Exalted reputation with all pandaren factions.
Realm First! Working Better as a Team First guild on the realm to obtain 600 skill points in all professions and secondary professions. Alliance Window Lickers
Realm First! Grand Empress Shek'zeer First guild on the realm to defeat Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Sha of Fear First guild on the realm to defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Will of the Emperor First guild on the realm to defeat the Will of the Emperor encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.

Cataclysm - Realm First! Feats of Strength[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Title Description Achieved By
Realm First! Illustrious Alchemist First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Alchemy alchemy.
Realm First! Illustrious Angler First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Fishing fishing.
Realm First! Grand Master Archaeologist First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Archaeology archaeology.
Realm First! Illustrious Archaeologist First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Archaeology archaeology.
Realm First! Illustrious Cooking First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Cooking cooking.
Realm First! Illustrious Blacksmith First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Blacksmithing blacksmithing.
Realm First! Illustrious Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Enchanting enchanting.
Realm First! Illustrious Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Engineering engineering.
Realm First! Illustrious Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Herbalism herbalism. Alliance Stinkytwinky - Window Lickers
Realm First! Illustrious Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Jewelcrafting jewelcrafting.
Realm First! Illustrious Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Leatherworking leatherworking.
Realm First! Illustrious Miner First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Mining mining.
Realm First! Illustrious Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Inscription inscription.
Realm First! Illustrious Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Skinning skinning.
Realm First! Illustrious Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in Tailoring tailoring.
Realm First! Level 85 First on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Death Knight First Death Knight on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Druid First Druid on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Hunter First Hunter on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Mage First Mage on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Paladin First Paladin on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Priest First Priest on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Rogue First Rogue on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Shaman First Shaman on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Warlock First Warlock on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Level 85 Warrior First Warrior on the realm to achieve level 85.
Realm First! Working as a Team First guild on the realm to obtain 525 skill points in all professions and secondary professions.
Realm First! Guild Level 25 First guild on the realm to reach guild level 25.
Realm First! Nefarian First guild on the realm to defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Al'Akir First guild on the realm to defeat Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Sinestra First guild on the realm to defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Ragnaros First guild on the realm to defeat Ragnaros in the Firelands on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Realm First! Deathwing First guild on the realm to defeat Deathwing in the Dragon Soual on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.

WotLK - Realm First! Feats of Strength[]

Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Title Description Achieved By
Realm First! Cooking Grand Master First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Cooking cooking.
Realm First! First Aid Grand Master First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in First Aid first aid.
Realm First! Grand Master Alchemist First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Alchemy alchemy.
Realm First! Grand Master Angler First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Fishing fishing.
Realm First! Grand Master Blacksmith First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Blacksmithing blacksmithing.
Realm First! Grand Master Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Enchanting enchanting.
Realm First! Grand Master Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Engineering engineering.
Realm First! Grand Master Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Herbalism herbalism.
Realm First! Grand Master Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Jewelcrafting jewelcrafting.
Realm First! Grand Master Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Leatherworking leatherworking.
Realm First! Grand Master Miner First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Mining mining.
Realm First! Grand Master Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Inscription inscription.
Realm First! Grand Master Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Skinning skinning.
Realm First! Grand Master Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in Tailoring tailoring.
Realm First! Level 80 First on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Blood Elf First Blood Elf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Death Knight First Death Knight on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Draenei First Draenei on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Druid First Druid on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Dwarf First Dwarf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Forsaken First Forsaken on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Gnome First Gnome on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Human First Human on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Hunter First Hunter on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Mage First Mage on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Night Elf First Night elf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Orc First Orc on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Paladin First Paladin on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Priest First Priest on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Rogue First Rogue on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Shaman First Shaman on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Tauren First Tauren on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Troll First Troll on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Warlock First Warlock on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Level 80 Warrior First Warrior on the realm to achieve level 80.
Realm First! Northrend Vanguard First player on the realm to achieve exalted status with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade.
Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas Participated in the realm first Heroic Mob Kel'Thuzad kill in Naxxramas.
Realm First! Magic Seeker Participated in the realm first HeroicMob Malygos kill.
Realm First! Twilight Vanquisher Participated in the realm first HeroicMob Sartharion the Onyx Guardian kill in the Chamber of Aspects.
Realm First! Celestial Defender Participated in the realm first defeat of Mob Algalon the Observer in 25-Player Mode.
Realm First! Death's Demise Participated in the realm first defeat of Mob Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-Player Mode.
Realm First! Grand Crusader Participated in the realm first conquest of the Trial of the Grand Crusader with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode
Realm First! Fall of the Lich King Participated in the realm first conquest of the Lich King in 25-player Heroic mode