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Note: Tradeskills may be removed from this list once they become common on the server, or become outdated in the face of new and more powerful recipes.

Sen'Jin Crafting
Alchemy ElixirsPotionsTransmutations
Blacksmithing MailPlateWeaponsOther
Enchanting BootsBracerChestCloakGloves1H Weapon2H WeaponShield
Engineering Engineering
Jewelcrafting GemsArmorNecklacesRings
Leatherworking ClothLeatherMailOther
Tailoring ArmorContainersSpellthread



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Elixir Master Bodhidharma, Flairbear, Gorbachev, Dynamic Boccaccio, Kausalya, Mylk, Xanthu
[Elixir of Empowerment] Gorbachev, Kikko Tornn
[Elixir of Major Mageblood] Bodhidharma, Kikko, Mydea Kausalya, Mylk, Gootch
[Elixir of Major Shadow Power] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev Mylk,
[Elixir of the Searching Eye] Gorbachev Kausalya
[Flask of Distilled Wisdom] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev, Mydea, Flairbear, Dynamic Deican, Kausalya, Mylk, Twohooves
[Flask of Fortification] Mydea Boccaccio, Kausalya, Gootch
[Flask of Mighty Restoration] Bodhidharma, Downforsa, Mydea, Silvyr Yttrium, Mylk
[Flask of Pure Death] Kittychow Biser, Kausalya
[Flask of Blinding Light] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev Alhambra
[Flask of Petrification] Mydea, Dynamic
[Flask of Relentless Assault] Bodhidharma, Kikko, Flairbear, Gorbachev, Dynamic Tornn, Mylk, Gootch, Xanthu
[Flask of Supreme Power] Bodhidharma, Mydea, Dynamic Deican, Mylk, Twohooves
[Flask of the Titans] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev, Kikko, Mydea Deican, Kausalya, Mylk, Twohooves


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Potion Master Downforsa, Kikko
[Destruction Potion] Dicensplizt, Mydea Ruind
[Fel Mana Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Downforsa, Kikko, Mydea, Silvyr Kausalya, Mydea, Mylk, Tornn, Twohooves
[Fel Regeneration Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Downforsa, Mydea, Soundwave Kausalya, Ruind, Tornn, Twohooves
[Haste Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Kikko Mylk, Ruind
[Heroic Potion] Soundwave Kausalya, Mylk, Ruind, Scour
[Insane Strength Potion] Downforsa, Mydea
[Ironshield Potion] Downforsa Kausalya, Mylk, Twohooves
[Major Arcane Protection Potion] Dicensplizt, Gorbachev, Mydea Kausalya, Mylk, Ruind, Twohooves
[Major Fire Protection Potion] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev, Oryx Mylk
[Major Frost Protection Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Kikko, Silvyr Ruind
[Major Holy Protection Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Mydea Kausalya, Ruind
[Major Nature Protection Potion] Bodhidharma, Gorbachev, Mydea Kausalya, Mylk, Ruind, Twohooves
[Major Rejuvenation Potion] Bodhidharma Mylk
[Major Shadow Protection Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Downforsa, Mydea Kausalya, Mylk, Ruind
[Shrouding Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt, Mydea, Silvyr Kausalya
[Super Rejuvenation Potion] Bodhidharma, Dicensplizt


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Transmutation Master Alhambra, Ruind
[Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond] Bodhidharma, Mydea Alhambra, Mylk, Biser
[Transmute: Skyfire Diamond] Bodhidharma, Mydea Alhambra, Mylk, Ruind, Biser
[Transmute: Primal Might] Bodhidharma
[Transmute: Primal Air to Fire] Bodhidharma Alhambra, Ruind
[Transmute: Primal Earth to Life]
[Transmute: Primal Earth to Water] Bodhidharma Ruind
[Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth] Bodhidharma Biser
[Transmute: Primal Fire to Mana]
[Transmute: Primal Life to Earth]
[Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire]
[Transmute: Primal Shadow to Water]
[Transmute: Primal Water to Air] Bodhidharma Mylk, Ruind
[Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow]
[Transmute: Elemental Fire] Mydea Mylk



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Boar's Speed] Palar

[Cat's Swiftness] Palar

[Dexterity] Palar

[Fortitude] Palar

[Surefooted] Zarle Hellshock

[Vitality] Palar


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Assault] Palar Hellshock

[Fortitude] Palar

[Greater Dodge] Palar

[Restore Mana Prime] Palar

[Spellpower] Palar Hellshock

[Stats] Palar Hellshock

[Superior Healing] Palar Hellshock

[Superior Stamina] Palar

[Superior Strength] Palar


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Exceptional Health] Palar Hellshock

[Exceptional Mana] Palar Hellshock

[Exceptional Stats] Palar Hellshock

[Major Mana] Palar Hellshock

[Major Resilience] Palar

[Restore Mana Prime] Palar Hellshock


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Dodge] Palar Hellshock

[Greater Agility] Palar Hellshock

[Greater Arcane Resistance] Palar Hellshock

[Greater Fire Resistance] Palar Hellshock

[Greater Nature Resistance] Palar Hellshock

[Greater Resistance] Palar

[Greater Shadow Resistance] Palar

[Major Armor] Palar

[Major Resistance] Palar

[PvP Power] Palar Hellshock

[Stealth] Palar

[Subtlety] Palar


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Advanced Herbalism] Palar

[Advanced Mining] Palar

[Assault] Palar

[Blasting] Palar

[Major Healing] Palar

[Major Spellpower] Palar

[Spell Strike] Palar

[Superior Agility] Palar

[Threat] Palar

1H Weapon[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Battlemaster] Palar

[Fiery Weapon] Palar Okroka, Hellshock

[Lifestealing] Palar Okroka

[Major Healing] Palar Hellshock

[Major Intellect] Palar Hellshock

[Major Spellpower] Palar Hellshock

[Mighty Intellect] Palar Hellshock

[Mongoose] Palar, Zarle

[Potency] Palar

[Soulfrost] Palar

[Spellsurge] Palar

[Strength] Palar

[Sunfire] Palar

[Superior Striking] Palar Okroka

[Unholy] Palar Okroka, Hellshock

2H Weapon[]

Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Major Agility] Palar Hellshock

[Major Intellect] Palar Hellshock

[Savagery] Palar Hellshock

[Superior Impact] Palar


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Frost Resistance] Palar

[Intellect] Palar

[Major Stamina] Palar

[Resistance] Palar

[Shield Block] Palar

[Lesser Dodge] Palar


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope]
[Felsteel Boomstick]

[Khorium Scope]
[Ornate Khorium Rifle]

[Stabilized Eternium Scope]



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Bold Living Ruby Reddfall, Sethlans
Bright Living Ruby Reddfall, Sethlans
Brilliant Dawnstone Reddfall, Sethlans
Destructive Skyfire Diamond Sethlans
Enduring Talasite Reddfall, Sethlans
Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond Sethlans
Flashing Living Ruby Reddfall, Sethlans
Gleaming Dawnstone Reddfall, Sethlans
Glinting Noble Topaz Reddfall, Sethlans
Glowing Nightseye Reddfall, Sethlans
Inscribed Noble Topaz Reddfall, Sethlans
Insightful Earthstorm Diamond Sethlans
Jagged Talasite Reddfall, Sethlans
Luminous Noble Topaz Reddfall, Sethlans, Nymue
Lustrous Star of Elune Reddfall, Sethlans
Mystical Skyfire Diamond Sethlans
Potent Noble Topaz Reddfall, Sethlans
Powerful Earthstorm Diamond Sethlans
Radiant Talasite Reddfall, Sethlans
Rigid Dawnstone Reddfall, Sethlans
Runed Living Ruby Reddfall, Sethlans
Shifting Nightseye Reddfall, Sethlans
Solid Star of Elune Reddfall, Sethlans
Sovereign Nightseye Reddfall
Sparkling Star of Elune Reddfall, Sethlans
Subtle Living Ruby Reddfall, Sethlans
Swift Skyfire Diamond Sethlans
Teardrop Living Ruby Reddfall
Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond Sethlans


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Circlet of Arcane Might]
[Coronet of Verdant Flame] Sethlans


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Chain of the Twilight Owl]
[Living Ruby Pendant] Reddfall
[Pendant of Frozen Flame] Sethlans
[Pendant of the Null Rune] Sethlans
[Pendant of Shadow's End] Sethlans
[Pendant of Withering]
[Thick Felsteel Necklace] Reddfall


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Heavy Felsteel Ring]
[Khorium Band of Leaves]
[Khorium Band of Frost] Sethlans
[Ring of Arcane Shielding] Sethlans
[The Frozen Eye] Sethlans
[The Natural Ward] Sethlans

Sen'Jin Crafting
Alchemy ElixirsPotionsTransmutations
Blacksmithing MailPlateWeaponsOther
Enchanting BootsBracerChestCloakGloves1H Weapon2H WeaponShield
Engineering Engineering
Jewelcrafting GemsArmorNecklacesRings
Leatherworking ClothLeatherMailOther
Tailoring ArmorContainersSpellthread