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The Crafting pages are intended to let people who need something crafted to find you, not for vanity. If you don't want strangers whispering you to combine mats for them, don't list yourself or let yourself be listed. If you are listed and would like to be removed and are not comfortable doing it yourself, just post a note on the discussion page by clicking here: [edit].


Note that being listed here does not mean the people here will always be able or willing to craft items for you. Be polite when contacting them and be gracious and understanding if they are not able to help you at that moment.

Sen'Jin Crafting
Alchemy ElixirsPotionsTransmutations
Blacksmithing MailPlateWeaponsOther
Enchanting BootsBracerChestCloakGloves1H Weapon2H WeaponShield
Engineering Engineering
Jewelcrafting GemsArmorNecklacesRings
Leatherworking ClothLeatherMailOther
Tailoring ArmorContainersSpellthread

Note: Recipes may be removed from this list once they become common on the server, or become outdated in the face of new and more powerful recipes.



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Felfury Gauntlets] Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel
[Storm Helm]
[Earthpeace Breastplate] Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Swiftsteel Gloves] Idefiancel


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Belt of the Guardian]
[Black Felsteel Bracers] Platt
[Blessed Bracers] Aleximo, Charged, Nit Idefiancel, Zerg
[Bracers of the Green Fortress] Graphik Groundchuck
[Dawnsteel Bracers]
[Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Idefiancel
[Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Narse Bohrium, Idefiancel
[Iceguard Breastplate] Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Iceguard Helm] Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Iceguard Leggings] Idefiancel
[Oathkeeper's Helm] Narse
[Red Belt of Battle]
[Shadesteel Bracers]
[Shadesteel Girdle]
[Shadesteel Greaves]
[Shadesteel Sabots]
[Steelgrip Gauntlets] Cw Idefiancel
[Wildguard Breastplate] Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Wildguard Helm] Graphik, Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Wildguard Leggings] Graphik, Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel
[Enchanted Adamantite Belt] Graphik Groundchuck, Mordechi
[Enchanted Adamantite Boots] Graphik Groundchuck, Mordechi
[Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate] Graphik Groundchuck, Mordechi
[Enchanted Adamantite Leggings] Graphik Groundchuck, Mordechi
[Felsteel Gloves] Aleximo, Graphik Grid, Idefiancel
[Felsteel Helm] Aleximo, Badpanda, Cw, Graphik, Narse Idefiancel
[Felsteel Leggings] Graphik Mordechi, Rokam
[Flamebane Bracers] Badpanda, Narse Idefiancel
[Flamebane Breastplate] Bohrium, Idefiancel
[Flamebane Gloves] Badpanda, Narse Idefiancel
[Flamebane Helm] Bohrium, Idefiancel
[Khorium Belt] Aleximo, Cw, Graphik Bohrium, Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Platt, Rokam
[Khorium Boots] Aleximo, Cw, Graphik Bohrium, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Khorium Pants] Aleximo, Cw, Graphik Bohrium, Idefiancel
[Ragesteel Breastplate] Aleximo, Graphik Bohrium, Idefiancel
[Ragesteel Gloves] Aleximo, Cw, Graphik Bohrium, Groundchuck, Idefiancel, Mordechi
[Ragesteel Helm] Aleximo, Graphik Idefiancel


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Dirge] Badpanda
[Eternium Runed Blade] Narse Idefiancel
[Fel Edged Battleaxe]
[Fel Hardened Maul] Graphik Groundchuck
[Felsteel Longblade] Battlestar Idefiancel
[Felsteel Reaper] Craenor Idefiancel
[Hand of Eternity] Cw, Narse Groundchuck, Idefiancel
[Khorium Champion] Battlestar
[Runic Hammer] Craenor Idefiancel, Gerowin


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Greater Rune of Shielding]
[Adamantite Sharpening Stone]
[Adamantite Weightstone]
[Felsteel Shield Spike]
[Greater Rune of Warding]



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Chromatic Cloak]
[Hide of the Wild] Ameloise, Chirip
[Shifting Cloak] Ameloise


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
[Blastguard Belt]
[Blastguard Boots]
[Blastguard Pants]
[Bramblewood Belt] Chirip
[Bramblewood Boots]
[Bramblewood Helm]
[Cobrascale Gloves]
[Cobrascale Hood]
[Corehound Belt] Chirip
[Corehound Boots] Ameloise, Chirip
[Enchanted Clefthoof Boots] Chirip
[Enchanted Clefthoof Gloves] Chirip
[Enchanted Clefthoof Leggings] Chirip
Fel Skin (wh a) Chirip
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Chirip
[Heavy Clefthoof Boots] Chirip
[Heavy Clefthoof Leggings] Chirip
[Heavy Clefthoof Vest] Chirip
[Lava Belt] Chirip
[Molten Belt] Chirip
[Molten Helm] Chirip
Stormshroud Armor (wh a) Chirip
Strength of the Clefthoof (wh a) Chirip
[Stylin' Jungle Hat]
[Stylin' Purple Hat] Chirip
[Windscale Hood] Logoth
[Windslayer Wraps]


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Black Dragon Mail (wh a)
[Chromatic Gauntlets] Chirip
[Dreamscale Breastplate]
[Enchanted Felscale Boots] Chirip
[Enchanted Felscale Gloves] Chirip
[Enchanted Felscale Leggings] Chirip
Felstalker Armor (wh a) Chirip
[Flamescale Belt]
[Flamescale Boots]
[Flamescale Leggings]
Fury of the Nether (wh a)
[Netherdrake Gloves]
[Netherdrake Helm]
[Red Dragonscale Breastplate]
[Sandstalker Ankleguards]
[Sandstalker Bracers]
[Sandstalker Breastplate]
[Sandstalker Gauntlets]
[Spitfire Bracers] Chirip
[Spitfire Breastplates]
[Spitfire Gauntlets]
[Stylin' Adventure Hat] Chirip
[Stylin' Crimson Hat]
[Thick Netherscale Breastplate]
[Windstrike Gloves]


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Arcane Armor Kit]
[Clefthide Leg Armor] Chirip
[Cobrahide Leg Armor] Chirip
[Core Armor Kit]
[Flame Armor Kit]
[Frost Armor Kit] Chirip
[Magister's Armor Kit] Chirip
[Nature Armor Kit]
[Nethercleft Leg Armor]
[Nethercobra Leg Armor]
[Shadow Armor Kit]
[Vindicator's Armor Kit]
[Riding Crop] Chirip
[Reinforced Mining Bag] Chirip
[Shadow Armor Kit]



Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Arcanoweave Boots] Palar Hellshock
[Arcanoweave Bracers] Palar Hellshock
[Arcanoweave Vestments] Palar Hellshock
[Battlecast Hood] Palar
[Battlecast Pants] Palar Hellshock
[Belt of the Archmage] Palar
[Black Belt of Knowledge] Palar
[Blackstrike Bracers] Palar
[Bracers of Havok] Palar
[Cloak of Arcane Evasion] Palar Hellshock
[Cloak of the Black Void] Palar
[Cloak of Eternity] Palar
[Cloak of Warding] Palar
[Flameheart Bracers] Palar
[Flameheart Gloves] Palar
[Flameheart Vest] Palar
[Flarecore Gloves] Palar Hellshock
[Flarecore Leggings] Palar Hellshock
[Flarecore Mantle] Palar Hellshock
[Flarecore Robe] Palar Hellshock
[Flarecore Wraps] Palar Hellshock
[Gaea’s Embrace] Palar Hellshock
[Girdle of Ruination] Palar
[Gloves of Spell Mastery] Palar
[Manaweave Cloak] Palar
[Mooncloth Circlet] Palar
[Resolute Cape] Palar
[Runed Stygian Belt] Palar Hellshock
[Runed Stygian Boots] Palar Hellshock
[Runed Stygian Leggings] Palar Hellshock
[Soulcloth Vest] Palar Hellshock
[Spellstrike Hood] Palar Hellshock
[Spellstrike Pants] Palar Hellshock
[Sylvan Crown] Palar Hellshock
[Sylvan Shoulders] Palar Hellshock
[Sylvan Gloves] Palar Hellshock
[Sylvan Shoulders] Palar Hellshock
[Sylvan Vest] Palar Hellshock
[Unyielding Bracers] Palar
[Unyielding Girdle] Palar Hellshock
[Vengeance Wrap] Palar Hellshock
[Whitemend Hood] Palar
[Whitemend Pants] Palar
[White Remedy Cape] Palar Hellshock


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Bag of Jewels]

[Big Bag of Enchantment]

[Core Felcloth Bag] Hellshock

[Imbued Netherweave Bag] Hellshock

[Satchel of Cenarius] Hellshock


Item Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

[Golden Spellthread]
[Mystic Spellthread] Palar Hellshock
[Runic Spellthead] Palar Hellshock
[Silver Spellthread]

Sen'Jin Crafting
Alchemy ElixirsPotionsTransmutations
Blacksmithing MailPlateWeaponsOther
Enchanting BootsBracerChestCloakGloves1H Weapon2H WeaponShield
Engineering Engineering
Jewelcrafting GemsArmorNecklacesRings
Leatherworking ClothLeatherMailOther
Tailoring ArmorContainersSpellthread