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PvPShattered Halls
PvPTol Barad
Brazilian servers

This article is an information page for the Shattered Halls realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Shattered Halls is a U.S. PvP server released on 1/16/07 with The Burning Crusade Expansion. Like many of the TBC servers, Shattered Halls has a very low population count. As of 6/11/07, we are currently sitting at a Alliance:Horde ratio of 1:1.6 (3100 Alliance versus 5600 Horde). Transfers opened July 14th, 2007.

As of December 9th at 6PM Server Time, AQ has been opened by the horde guild Overworked.

Shattered Halls Guilds[]

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Bane ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Catalyst ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Crew Ten ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Heavily Medicated ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Horde Trainer ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Insomnia ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Prodigy ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Snake Ize Mafia ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Candy Shoppe ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Second Coming ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
V I N D I C T I V E ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Vinii Vidi Vici ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Horde Crest Horde »

Ashen Rayne ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Biohazard ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Blacklisted ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Brutal Knights ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Death Vengeance ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Easily Distracted ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Grim ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Inevitable ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Mature Content ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Night Shift ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Overworked ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pandemonium ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pestilence ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Spawns of the Fallen One ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Synergy ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Unrivaled ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Upper Decker ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Wait for Saunderzz ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

The detailed server guild directory is maintained here on the WoW Forums.

Burning Crusade Progression[]

25 Man[]

You can find a constantly updated progression thread on the WoW forums.

Sunwell key art



UndoneGruul's Lair

UndoneMagtheridon's Lair

UndoneSerpentshrine Cavern

UndoneThe Eye

UndoneHyjal Summit

UndoneThe Black Temple

UndoneSunwell Plateau

Alliance Alliance
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Alliance Awaken Cleared
Alliance Bane Cleared Cleared 5/6 2/4 1/5 1/9
Alliance Catalyst Cleared Cleared 5/6 2/4 1/5 3/9
Alliance Snake Ize Mafia Cleared Cleared 1/6
Alliance The Candy Shoppe Cleared Cleared 2/6
Alliance The Second Coming Cleared

Horde Horde
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Horde Ashen Rayne Cleared Cleared
Horde Brutal Knights Cleared Cleared 5/6 3/4 Cleared 7/9
Horde Death Vengeance Cleared Cleared 4/6 3/4 1/5
Horde Grim Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Mature Content Cleared Cleared 4/6 2/4 1/5
Horde Synergy Cleared Cleared 1/6 1/4
Horde Upper Decker Cleared Cleared 1/4
Horde Wicked Kings Cleared Cleared
Horde Wait for Saunderzz Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared

10 Man[]



Karazhan - Main

Karazhan - Optional

Karazhan - Animal Bosses (Servant Quarters)

Karazhan - Opera Event


Alliance Alliance
Guild Main Optional Animal / Opera Zul'Aman
Alliance Awaken Cleared Cleared Cleared Hex Lord Malacrass
Alliance Bane Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance Catalyst Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance Heavily Medicated Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance My main is Horde Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance Prodigy Cleared
Alliance Snake Ize Mafia Cleared Cleared Cleared Jan'Alai
Alliance The Second Coming Cleared Cleared Cleared
Alliance XGC Awakening Prince Cleared
Horde Horde
Guild Main Optional Animal / Opera Zul'Aman

Horde Ashen Rayne Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Biohazard Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Blacklisted Cleared Cleared Cleared Akil'zon
Horde Brutal Knights Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Dead Deus Cleared Cleared Cleared Zul'jin
Horde Death Vengeance Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Grim Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Mature Content Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Night Shift Cleared Cleared Cleared Jan'Alai
Horde Overworked Cleared Cleared Cleared Halazzi
Horde Synergy Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared
Horde Wait for Saunderzz Cleared Cleared Cleared Cleared

Shattered Halls Crafting List[]

See Shattered Halls Crafters list page for an up to date listing of rare recipes and folks who can craft them.

See the archived crafter list for out dated recipes

Crafting and Enchanting List on WoW Forums.
