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Sylvanas Server info Guilds Crafting Guild Progression PVP

This article is an information page for the Sylvanas realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

The following list contains information about what can be created by the Blacksmiths of Sylvanas-EU. You can add your own craftings to the lists, and if you can't manage the wowwiki system or the layout for the lists please write on the [[Talk:Server:Sylvanas_Europe/Crafters/Blacksmithing|Talk Page]] to have your information added. The information used is from the Sylvanas Rare Crafts, Crafter's Revenge thread by Andrewndian

Remember what the previous page just warned you about; "Warning: The information on these pages are freely edited, meaning that a scammer could make it's way on the list, in general always try to get some feedback on the person you're trading with, lookup his armory profile and try to negotiate a deposit from the crafter, returned upon recieving said craft." - Quote of Fisker


Weapons Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Dirge] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Eternium Runed Blade] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv axe 15 [Fel Edged Battleaxe] Put alliance crafters here Put horde crafters here
Inv hammer 17 [Fel Hardened Maul] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv misc armorkit 27 [Felsteel Shield Spike] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv sword 59 [Felsteel Longblade] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv axe 02 [Felsteel Reaper] Blitzy, Timxandor Neowarr / next crafter
Inv mace 16 [Hand of Eternity] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv sword 08 [Khorium Champion] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv hammer 09 [Runic Hammer] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Armor Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Inv gauntlets 29 [Felsteel Gloves] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv pants plate 06 [Felsteel Leggings] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv helmet 22 [Felsteel Helm] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv chest chain 16 [Ragesteel Breastplate] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv helmet 22 [Ragesteel Helm] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv gauntlets 26 [Ragesteel Gloves] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv belt 11 [Khorium Belt] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv pants plate 04 [Khorium Pants] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv boots chain 01 [Khorium Boots] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv chest plate10 [Earthpeace Breastplate] Put alliance crafters here Put horde crafters here
Inv bracer 07 [Black Felsteel Bracers] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv bracer 06 [Bracers of the Green Fortress] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv bracer 03 [Blessed Bracers] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv gauntlets 26 [Felfury Gauntlets] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv helmet 38 [Oathkeeper's Helm] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv helmet 08 [Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv helmet 29 [Storm Helm] Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter
Inv gauntlets 29 [Steelgrip Gauntlets] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv bracer 19 [Flamebane Bracers] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv gauntlets 11 [Flamebane Gloves] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv helmet 22 [Flamebane Helm] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv chest plate16 [Flamebane Breastplate] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Inv belt 29 [Enchanted Adamantite Belt] Put alliance crafters here Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv boots chain 08 [Enchanted Adamantite Boots] Put alliance crafters here Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv chest plate10 [Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate] Put alliance crafters here Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv pants plate 12 [Enchanted Adamantite Leggings] Put alliance crafters here Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv chest plate07 [Wildguard Breastplate] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv helmet 22 [Wildguard Helm] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv pants plate 18 [Wildguard Leggings] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv chest plate11 [Iceguard Breastplate] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv helmet 06 [Iceguard Helm] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage/ next crafter
Inv pants plate 10 [Iceguard Leggings] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Blitzy Put horde crafters here
Trade Goods Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Inv stone sharpeningstone 07 [Adamantite Sharpening Stone] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv stone weightstone 07 [Adamantite Weightstone] Blitzy Neowarr, Chorage / next crafter
Inv misc rune 10 [Greater Rune of Warding] Blitzy Chorage / next crafter
Greater Rune of Shielding Blitzy Neowarr / next crafter