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Realms  Tanaris US (Player vs Environment)



  • Guild Directory and Progression


Server Information

Welcome to the Tanaris US server page on WoW Wiki. Tanaris was first opened up in August of 2006, and was quickly populated with several guilds looking for a fresh start. After the initial push to 60, Genesis came out as the premier Tanaris Guild. Genesis proceeded to open the Gates to An'Qiraj, and disbanded a few days later. Several other guilds formed in Genesis' absence, but the raiding atmosphere was very stifled.

After the Burning Crusade expansion, a raiding guild, Ham 'n' Swiss transferred to the server. They led raiding progression, and eventually reformed under a new name, Momentum. They dominated the alliance raiding scene till several officers transferred off server, and effectively ended Momentum.

Currently there are several home grown smaller guilds vying for the top raiding guild position, with most of the raiding population predominantly on the Alliance side.

Community Links

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Horde Crest Horde »

An up to date listing of guild progression on the Tanaris server can be found here[1].
