The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. This page includes a list of guilds that have accomplished a particular task (usually by defeating a major boss). The list should not be taken to be 100% accurate, as it only contains data that has been submitted/added by users of the community. Thus, if you have information you can add, and contribute to the list, it will become more complete.
Below is a list of current guilds and raid times. All times listed below are server time (Mountain Standard Time or GMT -7). The guilds are organized by Major (Heroic 25m & Normal 10m), Minor (just Normal 10 mans), and Social Guilds and listed in alphabetical order & raid times are listed by Server Time.
Major Raiding Guilds[]
Major Raiding Guilds are guilds that are progression not only in normal 10 man raid content, But also heroic 25 man content as well.