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This article is an information page for the Thrall realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

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Brazilian servers

Thrall (PvE)

Thrall Forum

The Thrall Realm was started in the Spring of 2006, Thrall has quickly become one of the largest PVE severs, due to the large number of players that have paid for realm transfers. Although, the numbers are declining now, due in part to subsequent new servers and transfers.


  • Thrall is part of Battlegroup 5
  • Thrall is an Eastern Standard Time (EST) Server


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The Drow Alliane ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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Honorbound ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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Illusion ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
In Queue ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Outlawed ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Overdose ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Overthrown ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Rebirth ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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Ascent ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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Meek and Frail ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
ninjastar ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Opera Baroque ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Primoris ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Resurgence ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Seeds of Insanity ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Shadows Embrace ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Shattered ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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TACT ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
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