Tortheldrin was opened on January 4, 2007 as a new realm with no transfers available for 6 months. The realm is on EST time and part of Battlegroup Reckoning. Early into Wrath of the Lich King, Tortheldrin had many servers open free transfers to it, creating a large influx in players.
The Burning Crusade Guild Progression[]
The following tables represent the progression of the server. The bosses listed are the bosses you have downed not bosses you are currently working on.
Italics indicates that the guild killed bosses out of order and has only killed the bosses listed.
To have your guild added or updated, or if you notice a mistake please:
a. Add or update your guild manually. (Please make sure you know what you are doing, do not destroy the template.)
b. Contact Kazaam <Zodiac> in game or post on this Tortheldrin forum thread.
The following tables make finding the rare enchant or craftable you need much quicker and easier than spamming trade chat to no avail.
I would like to keep the rare pattern list small so please only post if you can craft an item or give an enchant that would be difficult to find in trade chat. If you believe that I have an item listed that is common please also let me know about that so it can be removed from the list.
If you can craft one of these items or you notice a mistake please:
a. Add or update the appropriate table manually. (Please make sure you know what you are doing, do not destroy the template.)
b. Contact Kazaam <Zodiac> in game or post on this Tortheldrin forum thread.
Many thanks to Spadeous (Server Progression and Craftables threads), Impurity (Guilds Thread), Loktari @ BWL (Wiki template), and Kazaam (putting it all together). If you have any changes or additions you wish to make, register an account and make the appropriate changes, create a thread on the Tortheldrin Forums, or message Kazaam in-game.