Shadowburn (US) » | |
PvPAzralon †
PvPTol Barad †
† Brazilian servers |
Server was created on Friday, July 22nd 2005.
Ursin is a lovely medium population PVP server. The name Ursin comes from... well... We aren't quite sure! Ursin is a server name that could be a misspelling by Blizzard of Ursol the Bear god, or Ursine the language of the furbolgs.
PvE Progression[]
Miscellaneous Links[]
Active Guilds[]
- Avengers of Azeroth
- Berzerker Kittens
- Bloodbath and Beyond
- Crucial
- Fleur De Lys
- General Goods
- Homegirls
- Immortal
- Oblivion
- Ominous Latin Name
- Resurrection
- Ruthless Outlaws
- Saints of War
- Soul Assassins
- T E N Deep
- The Gallery
- The Oasis Contingent
- Unsanctus
- Zealot
- Artifact
- Carebear Refugees
- coalesce
- Death and Decay
- Death Squad
- Exselium
- Intensity
- Midnight Snacks
- Mutiny
- Portal
- Pure Evil
- Surge
- Teh Slax
- VV
Server Firsts ( As of 1/13/09 )[]
Naxxramas (10/25)[]
- Anub'Rekhan - Resurrection
- Grand Widow Faerlina - Resurrection
- Maexxna - Resurrection
- Patchwerk - Resurrection
- Grobbulus - Resurrection
- Gluth - Resurrection
- Thaddius - Resurrection
- Noth the Plaguebringer - Resurrection
- Heigan the Unclean - Resurrection
- Loatheb - Resurrection
- Instructor Razuvious - Resurrection
- Gothik the Harvester - Resurrection
- The Four Horsemen - Resurrection
- Sapphiron - Resurrection
- Kel'Thuzad - Resurrection
The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity[]
- Malygos (10/25) - Resurrection
The Obsidian Sanctum[]
- Sartharion (10/25) - Resurrection
- Sartharion w/ 3 Drakes (25) - Teh Slax
Vault of Archavon[]
- Archavon the Stone Watcher (10/25) - Misc pugs
Flame Leviathan - Exselium