This article is an information page for the Winterhoof realm (server) The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
This thread is for crafters and harvesters to get their name out there as people who will charge reasonably.
This is not for people who will buy materials and relist them for high prices. It's a "need" networking effort. Also, please be considerate when contacting any of the people here. If they're in an instance, an in-game mail would be a good way to reach them.
Many of the crafters / harvesters listed have posted details on their pricing and methods of contact in this thread.
Listed below are the professions and gathering skills that players have announced on the forums.
Harvesters obtain the materials used for almost all of the professions. They are willing to obtain some material for people but remember that they may also need the material for their own cratfing
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Fishing Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Herbalism Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Mining Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Skinning Notes[]
Currently None
Crafters are the people who make money off of producing items that people want. Remember that it costs time and money to gather and/or buy the materials so some items may be hard to come by or costly to produce as a result.
Player | Skill Level | Specialization
-- | -- | -- |
Alchemy Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level | Specialization |
-- | -- | -- |
Blacksmithing Notes[]
Currently none
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Cooking Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Enchanting Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level | Specialization |
-- | -- | -- |
Engineering Notes[]
Currently none
Player | Skill Level |
-- | -- |
Jewelcrafting Notes[]
Currently None
Player | Skill Level | Specialization |
-- | -- | -- |
Leatherworking Notes[]
Currently none
Player | Skill Level | Specialization |
-- | -- | -- |
Tailoring Notes[]
Currently None
Class Specific Skills[]
Rogue: Lockpicking[]
I just thought of this category as I'm sure a lot of us have a bank fulll of boxes needing to be unlocked. This would also be a good way for rogues to get their lockpicking skills up. Remember to tip your rogues! (Quoted from Sapphirius)
Player | Skill Level |
-- | --- |