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This article is an information page for the Xavius realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

EU-Xavius (PvP)


Lord Xavius, first of the satyr.

Xavius is a PvP realm.

The server was opened on 25 January 2006.

Lord Xavius was a powerful user of magic, and the high councilor to Queen Azshara. He is described to have eyes that are black with ruby streaks running through them, which had replaced his eyes long ago. He is perhaps the night elf most responsible for the Burning Legion's interest in Azeroth. It was Xavius who first became convinced that Sargeras, ruler of the Burning Legion, was a god sent to deliver Azeroth. Xavius also convinced the night elven queen Azshara of the necessity of turning the will of her mages, the so-called "Highborne", towards creating a portal into the Twisting Nether through which Sargeras and the Legion could enter into the world. Xavius was successful enough in his endeavors to welcome several ranking members of the Legion into Azeroth, including Hakkar the Houndmaster and several Felguard, before the intervention of the young druid Malfurion Stormrage. Xavius was the mastermind behind a plot to block any non-highborne magic user from accessing the Well of Eternity in order to channel the extra energy gained into making the portal to the Twisting Nether strong enough for Sargeras to cross through. Xavius's plot was defeated by Malfurion, who interrupted Xavius's final incantations and destroyed him completely. However, his soul was captured by Sargeras, and Xavius was mercilessly tortured.
Click to read more about Lord Xavius..

Guild Raid Progress[]

For detailed PvE progress and kill dates, go to:

Guild list[]

Alliance Crest Alliance »

My Littel Pwny ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Clarity ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Emissaries of Darkness ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Paper Airplanes ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Union ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
WhatEver ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Ambush ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Gank or Die Trying ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Core Within ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Default ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Prepared ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Conciliatrix ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Eye of Odin ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Oath ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Destiny Awaits ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Cold Rage ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Noir ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Void ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
SÝNE ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
The Knights Templar ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Power of Friendship ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

Horde Crest Horde »

Obscure ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
High Council ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Plan C ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Bloody Mess ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
DC on Engry ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Reckless Avengers ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Deathwing ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Apex ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pestilence ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Fatal ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Hate ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Absolution ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Release your potential ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Never Blessed ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Legacy of War ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
DarkEntity ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Pandemonium ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
This Is Madness ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Tweed ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Lunatic Asylum ElinkIcon-armoryArmory
Unshaven ElinkIcon-armoryArmory

If you think your guild should be added, refer to the talk page.
