People Lists[]
Some quick guidelines compiled from the other comments I made on how to make the best types of people lists. -- Montag 02:46, 1 Mar 2006 (EST)
Who To Include? What To Write?[]
Be sure before you include someone on one of these lists that they really, really fall into the catagory you're adding them for. Screenshots are good for evidence. Silly descriptions (especially verifiable ones) are also good. Keep obvious personal opinion out of it. The truth should be enough, since truth is usually the most entertaining. Overall, be critical, be conservative. Don't let just anyone on these lists. Only the ones who have truly earned it... The very worst (or best) ninja looters; the most infamous, bone-chilling character names; the names that were so often followed with "crymorenoob." Keep these lists as high quality as possible so they can be used as a true rewarding ground for Hellscream's finest ("finest") members.
Do we really need to list every guild formation/disband/transfer/reformation? Maybe a separate page for 'server history' would be an appropriate place for this? I just think the top of the page should be for current information about the server that is updated regularly. -- CharismaHoC 13:05, 22 March 2007 (EDT)
Fixing Vandalism[]
- Will add some info here shortly
Notes On Linking Names[]
If you do happen to link someone's character name, it would be best to put their guild in front of it. As an example, for me:
- [[Element Zero:Montag|Montag]]
- [[Immortalis:Azrael|]] -- Azrael March 3rd 2006
If not guild, then User: should work fine, too. This way, an article created through clicking on them won't be mistaken for a WoW game or lore related item. Remember to add the | or |Name after the name after so the links look crisper.
No need to start posts here with "is," since these are understood. An example would be:
Johndoe - Is the most anonymous player.
- Johndoe - Most anonymous player.
Infamous People Edits[]
This list seems to be getting artificially inflated. I believe this particular list, since it seems so interesting and so easily embellished, should be as conservative as possible to improve quality. Of course, I'm not exactly qualified to say who should actually be on this list, but I've tried to edit out the least ...evil of them. Screenshots (especially silly ones) were a decider here as well as creativity, since I cannot verify anything on this page myself. Here's a list of ones I recently removed, should others deem them worth placing there anyway. Again, please try to keep additions to the absolute most evil/infamous of the server to keep the list meaningful. -- Montag 02:20, 1 Mar 2006 (EST)Hey Penut is no longer on Hellscream because people said some guy harrased him or he changed Penut's name so he could hide but shouldn't they update that so we know what he did? -- Ksergey
Drama Kings and Queens Edits[]
I've done the same thing with this as with the Infamous People section. -- Montag 02:28, 1 Mar 2006 (EST)
Famous Ninja Looters Edits[]
A note on Legionwarden: Someone should flesh this one out for real. -- Montag 02:34, 1 Mar 2006 (EST)
- Didn't he ninja Felheart Horns?
- I don't know the specifics of any of his [in]famous activities. However, if anyone does, please feel free to re-add him with an appropriate, less subjective description. -- Montag 14:50, 2 Mar 2006 (EST)
I suggest we remove this section. This type of info will be tracked on our realm forum. Folks who don't play on the server and want info about our realm aren't going to be interested in this type of listing, imo. -- CharismaHoC 14:05, 22 March 2007 (EDT)
Best Server Post[]
I took a look through the other US server pages. We by far have the strongest page, and the strongest community to fuel the content. Thanks to everyone who put this together. -- Montag 03:03, 1 Mar 2006 (EST)
NPOV warning[]
It is very hard to prove negative or positive comments about particular players, but comments like: Blackbeam was also known to masturbate before raids, pretend to 'bang chicks' in college, and also claim to drink 30 beers while raiding are not necessary and should be removed.
I'm relying on those who edit and view this page to clean it up in the next few weeks or I'll probably have to go through and do a serious "pruning".
Too bad Montag hasn't been around to clean things up... it is a nice page. --Fandyllic 11:55 AM PDT 9 Sep 2006
- Aww. You're too kind. If only I still played on this server, I might have the knowledge to be of more use. =c) User:Montag/sig 03:42, 1 December 2006 (EST)
A very unnessessary and downright nasty comment was removed about Nunya & Misseznunya that simply does NOT need to be there. Please refrain for putting unsubstantiated remarks that are un-related to warcraft events in peoples comments. --Azrael 7:17 AM CST 14 sep 2006
- I've gone over this article and hopefully fixed some of the NPOV problems. Obviously, it's difficult to verify most of the negative information included here. However, I assumed good faith where the text wasn't too extravagant. Where it was, I toned it down or took it out. I have not removed the NPOV tag yet because I'd like at least one other person to look it over and agree with my changes, then take it off. ~
- This one's for my old server and the guys still there. User:Montag/sig 04:17, 1 December 2006 (EST)
Faliane(?) and alts[]
Noticed that his name was changed to Falaine and the alt list were removed. I've rolled back this information, along with overly offensive remarks with no citation, until the information (spelling, alts, and claims of lying/cheating for Tyriael) can be verified by some source. User:Montag/sig 11:07, 27 December 2006 (EST)
Tyriael gets a lot of traffic on this site. Please do not edit his entry in Drama Kings and Queens anymore unless you have some sort of citeable information. User:Montag/sig 10:16, 4 January 2007 (EST)
Speaking of Tyriael's page, feel free to let me know if all the random references to cartoons and such needs to be removed since its been a while since anyone tried to deface it. --Kite 02:22, 9 March 2007 (EST)
2007 Updates[]
I am in the process of updating the HS Wiki entry to be current for 2007. Wiki Info that required community input has been posted on the servers official forums. --Kite 02:22, 9 March 2007 (EST)
I'd like to help with updating this page. I suggest the following:
- Move server history/timeline to a separate sub-page
- Move all commentary on individuals to a separate sub-page (to help remove NPOV warning)
- Consider moving the lists of Grand Marshals/High Warlords to a sub-page. Is this really relevant info to everyone interested in the server? I'm all for giving the folks credit, but let's keep the top information folks would want to see when they come to this page more visible
- Add guild progression section
- Review pages of other servers to identify other valuable information to provide here - Edit: I looked at a few other realms' pages. Mal'ganis has a nice layout, I suggest something similar to theirs, but with BC-related guild progression instead (or at least in addition to) MC/Ony/BWL/AQ/Naxx progression.
But I don't want to step on any toes or cause any drama. Just my opinions on a way to keep the page fresh. --CharismaHoC 16:58, 23 March 2007 (EDT)
I got impatient. Went ahead and added the Battlegroup block to the page. I think we need to do something with the Grom image also. Not remove it, but maybe put it on the left, or something. --CharismaHoC 17:42, 23 March 2007 (EDT)
Outdoor Raid Bosses[]
This section was outdated as three of the guilds mentioned are no longer on the server, Xiled Horde has cleaned up their behavior, so I'll archive it here. --Kite 04:54, 13 March 2007 (EDT)
2007 Guild Update[]
Horde and Alliance guilds have been updated, with noteworthy guilds being put into a "Legends" section. --Kite 05:11, 13 March 2007 (EDT)
How about a Guild Raid Progression section? I think that's more interesting to most folks looking up our server than the most well-known rude players or the server events that led to guilds disbanding/transferring. -- CharismaHoC 13:05, 22 March 2007 (EDT)
There are websites on Guild Progressions, like This one, that show guild raid progression. That would be the place to go, since it is a guild progression website. --Tyriael 01:01, 23 March 2007 (EDT)
- I would recommend taking that data and placing it here in some fashion. That sort of information is useful when people are researching guilds or are just interested to know where their guild stands on the server. User:Montag/sig 12:28, 23 March 2007 (EDT)
I've removed the old version of the Server History/Timeline section. I've attempted to remove all subjectivity from the version on the main page. --CharismaHoC 12:08, 26 March 2007 (EDT)
I added Notabilis Kruoris Guild to the Alliance List and fixed a few bad links to guild home pages, well those I knew of that changed. Also, if you want a decent progression monitor you can use wowjutsu --Quillathe 21:51, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
Update and cleanup[]
I can see this server article has not been edited since August 2009, but still, if someone pass by, Server:Hellscream US/Guild Progression needs to be cleaned by replacing the HTML code with Template:P, 107,092 octets in a single article is way too much.
Good luck ;p
Loremaster A'noob, Arch Druid of the Noobhoof Clan (talk/contribz) 20:20, January 2, 2010 (UTC)