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Adding Guild Information[]

There are only three lines of code that are important for each piece of guild information.

Alliance uses the following:
| {{Alliance Icon Small}} Guild Name
|| [linktowebsite Website] [linktoarmory Armory]

Horde uses the following:
| {{Horde Icon Small}} Guild Name
|| [linktowebsite Website] [linktoarmory Armory]

Aside from being a secondary form of guild information, the Armory links were added to reduce the chance of the third line being forgotten during an edit.

Armory links work like so:
In the case of a guild name having a space, use the plus sign:

Ashley - 05:10, 30 March 2007 CST


Bottom Links[]

It bugs me that the Ravencrest_US link at the bottom insists on remaining red, as if the page doesn't exist.
--Ashley 06:42, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

  • Hmmm, you're right. That link isn't to this page, though, it's to the category Ravencrest_US. Or at least, that's what it looks like to me. Might be wrong. Not sure there needs to be a category unless we start moving some things off to separate pages, like the guild listing and crafting sections. Though I do note that you have made a beautiful guild progression page! Was about to do that, myself, but you're much better at these pages! --Zules 12:48, 12 April 2007 (EDT)
    • I looked at that for the longest time, then jumped around a bunch of other server pages, it looks like it's coded properly. I'm honestly clueless as to what it thinks it's looking for there. As for the progression - wow, that was a learning experience. As I noted on the Discussion page there, the templates were someone elses creation, I just changed a few of them up. Wouldn't mind finding something a little more user friendly, but if others start updating it and getting used to it, then I guess we can keep it as is. --Ashley 19:01, 13 April 2007 (EDT)
      • The page I'd started creating was along the lines of the format on the Server:Gorgonnash_US page. It's less graphical, but simple. Let me put up what I have on my User:Zules page so I don't clutter this talk space, just to show you what it could be like for our server. --Zules 08:44, 16 April 2007 (EDT)

Page Layout[]

  • I like the page layout. Nice rewording of the server history. I'm considering moving the part about where the name comes from down a bit. Seems less immediately relevant to this server, but still interesting. I wish that awful disclaimer at the top of the page wasn't there. Wonder if the rest of the wiki would scream at me for moving it all the way to the bottom. --Zules 12:52, 12 April 2007 (EDT)
    • The lore bit is just a boon for the lore buffs and anyone generally curious. I know I've been all over the wiki looking up lore just for the sake of knowing. :p We could pull the disclaimer out entirely, or leave it where it is now. Not that big of a deal. --Ashley 19:01, 13 April 2007 (EDT)