- Shackled Ur'zul
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Mount
- Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This is a flying mount.
- Requires Level 110
- Requires Artisan Riding
- Sell Price: 1
The Shackled Ur'zul is a very rare drop from Argus the Unmaker, the final boss of Antorus, the Burning Throne, on Mythic difficulty.
Mount Journal[]
Formed from the tormented bodies and souls of fallen members of the Army of the Light, the Ur'zul is both fascinating and horrifying.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): No longer a guaranteed drop.
- Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): Added.
External links[]