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HordeShades of Disruption
Shades of Disruption
Start Princess Talanji
End Spirit of Vol'jin
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category The Shadow Hunter
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Darkspear Trolls
+250 Zandalari Empire
Rewards Inv radientazeritefragment [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (500 Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
23g 40s
Previous H [50] Wisdom of the Warchief
Next H [50] To the Broken Shore


Assist in the ritual to summon Vol'jin's spirit.


Vol'jin's spirit is a slippery one. I have asked Master Gadrin and Spiritwalker Ebonhorn to aid us in calling him forth.

Dis ritual will not be easy, and I ask you to be on your guard should anything other than Vol'jin appear.


You will receive:


Ya know you be askin' a good question when someone be tryin' to have you killed for askin' it.


After placing the glaive, a cutscene plays:

Talanji, Gadrin and Ebonhorn start performing the ritual.
Princess Talanji says: Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, once warchief of the Horde... Hear my voice and appear before us.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Talanji. Ya voice be a mighty one.
Baine Bloodhoof says: Vol'jin! Is it really you, my old friend?
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Baine... ya heart beats strong and true... just like ya fadda. I be glad da demons didn't take ya.
Baine Bloodhoof says: Sylvanas led us to victory in the war against the Legion.
Baine Bloodhoof says: But since then... she has done much to strain the honor that binds the Horde together.
Baine Bloodhoof says: I must know... when the voice spoke to you, bidding you to name her warchief... what spirit was it?
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Ah, my young friend. Death be... dark. Me memory... not be what it once was.
Baine Bloodhoof says: Was it Bwonsamdi? Did he crave the death she would bring?
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Da memory, it be denied me by da shadows. Shadows... dat... dat be comin' for ya! Watch out!

A number of shades appear, and the player and Rokhan receive the buff Might of a Chieftain. Destroy the shades to complete the quest.


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