- Shado-Pan Geyser Gun
- Binds to Blizzard account
- Unique
- Toy
- Use: Adds this toy to your Toy Box.
Unload a torrent of water on allies and enemies with the Geyser Gun. (30 Min Cooldown)
The Shado-Pan Geyser Gun is a lesser known item acquired by a very unusual means while in the Throne of Thunder. To acquire the item players need to use the geysers in the Lair of Tortos and bounce from geyser to geyser in a circle 250 times. Each geyser has its own cooldown, so bouncing back and forth will not work.
At level 91 or above, speak with Lorewalker Han at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to queue for the Forgotten Depths of the Throne of Thunder in Raid Finder mode. Players will spawn in the area with the geysers.
When you reach 250 stacks you'll receive the item in the mail with the following message:
Hello Thunder-Delver!
The Shado-Pan have been watching your progress through Lei Shen's Throne of Thunder and were astounded by your ninja-like geyser-jumping abilities in the Forgotten Depths.
We are working on weaponizing geyser technology in an attempt to turn Lei Shen's thunderous powers against him. I've included a prototype modification of the Shado-Pan Dragon Gun. It just seemed fair that you be the first to use it!
--Taoshi of the Shado-Pan
- The difficulty mode of the raid does not matter.
- It's best to be alone while attempting this as others can randomly ruin your chances.
- It is possible to assist another player in obtaining this toy. Any player(s) in a passenger mount, e.g.
[Grand Black War Mammoth], will also gain stacks of "Spray Water."
- A new extra ability button will appear for the next 5 minutes with only a 2 second cooldown.
- Targets do not need to be selected to get them soaked. Just face toward them and spray.
- Does not work on all targets. (Example: If your target is flagged for PvP, you must also be flagged for PvP.)
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):
- Added to the Toy Box.
- No longer required to have a weapon equipped and unsheathed.
Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now must have weapon equipped and unsheathed in order to use.
Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Added.