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NeutralShadow-Sage Brakoss
Image of Shadow-Sage Brakoss
Title <Arakkoa Outcasts Quartermaster>
Race Arakkoa (Humanoid)
Level 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Arakkoa Outcasts
Occupation Sage
Location Town Hall, Stormshield
Status Alive

Shadow-Sage Brakoss is an arakkoa found in the Town Hall in Stormshield.

Vendor information[]

Alliance Shadow-Sage Brakoss / Horde Ravenspeaker Skeega
<Arakkoa Outcasts Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Type Note
Friendly Inv potion 126 [Arakkoa Elixir] 5g 1 Apexis Crystal Consumable
Honored Ability druid rake [Saberon Protector] 500g Trinket
Revered Inv misc boilingblood [Son of Sethe] 1000g 2000 Apexis Crystal Companion
Inv feather 14 [Wings of the Outcasts] 1000g Consumable
Exalted Inv misc map 01 [Draenor Archaeologist's Map] Consumable
Inv stone sharpeningstone 01 [Draenor Archaeologist's Lodestone] Consumable
Inv tabard a 76arakkoaoutcast [Arakkoa Outcasts Tabard] 100g Tabard
Ability mount talbukdraenormount [Shadowmane Charger] 5000g 5000 Apexis Crystal Mount

Patch changes[]

External links[]
