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"Totem" redirects here. For the old shaman relic items, see Totem (relic).
Fusion Totem TCG

Fusion Totem in the Trading Card Game.

Totems are tools used by a shaman as an instrument of war. Characterized by their immobility and area of effect, the totems embody the shaman's mastery over the elements. Some totems possess destructive power while others aid and assist allies. Shamanistic cultures outside those of the Horde and Alliance also possess the ability to use totems in battle.


Totems are unique to the shaman. Once a totem is put down it cannot be moved, but a new totem can be used to replace it. Although the shaman's totems are summoned and fixed near the caster, a shaman player can place a totem while moving. A totem's effect is only active within a certain radius of the totem (making it a hybrid version of Point Blank Area of Effect and Ground Targeted Area of Effect). The totem can be planted underwater, and appears floating at the foot level of the character.

Totems are considered spells, and summoning totems can be prevented by silencing effects. Totems are immune to AoEs and DoTs, and must be specifically attacked to be destroyed.

Totems are always placed roughly 3 yards away from the position from where you cast it. The exact position of the totem is dependent on where you are when you cast it, and in which direction you are facing.


Muln Earthfury

High Shaman Muln Earthfury and his totems.

Totem Spells
Totem Source Notes
Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Earthbind Totem] Levelling Level 5
Spell fire totemofwrath [Skyfury Totem] PvP talent Level 40
Spell nature wrathofair totem [Counterstrike Totem] PvP talent Level 20
Spell nature groundingtotem [Grounding Totem] Restoration PvP talent Level 20
Spell nature reincarnation [Ancestral Protection Totem] Restoration Talent Row 7 (Choice Node)
Ability shaman condensationtotem [Cloudburst Totem] Restoration Talent Row 5
Spell nature stoneskintotem [Earthen Wall Totem] Restoration Talent Row 7 (Choice Node)
Spell nature stranglevines [Earthgrab Totem] Talent Row 7
Ability shaman healingtide [Healing Tide Totem] Restoration Talent Row 6
Inv spear 04 [Healing Stream Totem] Talent General Row 2
Restoration Row 4
Spell nature brilliance [Capacitor Totem] Talent Row 3
Spell shaman spewlava [Liquid Magma Totem] Elemental Talent Row 8
Spell shaman spiritlink [Spirit Link Totem] Restoration Talent Row 5
Ability shaman windwalktotem [Wind Rush Totem] Talent Row 5 (Choice Node)
Spell nature windfury [Windfury Totem] Enhancement Talent Row 5
Spell nature tremortotem [Tremor Totem] Talent Row 4
Spell frost summonwaterelemental [Mana Tide Totem] Restoration Talent Row 6
Spell nature poisoncleansingtotem [Poison Cleansing Totem] Talent Row 9
Ability shaman stoneskintotem [Stoneskin Totem] Talent Row 10 (Choice Node)
Ability shaman tranquilmindtotem [Tranquil Air Totem] Talent Row 10 (Choice Node)
Spell shaman stormtotem [Static Field Totem] PvP Talent Level 20
Ability bastion shaman [Vesper Totem] Covenant ability Kyrian

Old totems[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.
Unspecified Totem Spells
Spell totem wardofdraining [Voodoo Totem]
Earthquake Totem
Spell nature brilliance [Lightning Surge Totem]



Totems used by NPCs
Trading Card Game

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Draenei shaman totems models updated.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added totems models for Dark Iron dwarves, Mag'har orcs and Zandalari trolls.
  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Added totem models for the Highmountain tauren allied race.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): A majority of totems have been changed to not be part of a category. Fire and Air totems still exist.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Totems will no longer cause hostile creatures to enter combat with the shaman based on proximity.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): All totems are now considered spells, and summoning totems can be prevented by silencing effects. Spell fire searingtotem [Searing Totem], Spell fire selfdestruct [Magma Totem], and Fire Elemental totems fall into the Fire school, while all other totems fall under the Nature school.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Stone Bulwark Totem, Earthgrab Totem, Windwalk Totem and Healing Tide Totem added. Stoneskin Totem, Stoneclaw Totem, Strength of Earth Totem, Flametongue Totem, Elemental Resistance Totem, Mana Spring Totem, Totem of Tranquil Mind, Windfury Totem and Wrath of Air Totem removed.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Totem of Wrath has been removed (being replaced by the Totemic Wrath talent), along with Sentry Totem, Cleansing Totem, and Frost, Nature, and Fire Resistance Totems (which have been merged into one totem, Elemental Resistance Totem). In addition, a new totem has been added, Tranquil Mind Totem.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Each of the horde races now have unique totem artwork. Some of the totems are going from party-only buffs to raid buffs. Tranquil Air Totem has also been removed.

See also[]
