A shaman trainer is an NPC that offers shamans the opportunity to train abilities and reset their talent points. A general rule-of-thumb for finding the local Shaman trainer is to search the city's more naturalistic and open areas. Druid trainers are usually found alongside them in such places.
Alliance Trainers[]
Location | Shaman Trainers |
Crash Site, Azuremyst Isle (Draenei starting location) |
Firmanvaar (6) |
Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle | Tuluun (15) |
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh | Teo Hammerstorm (5) |
Kharanos, Dun Morogh | Halbin Frosthammer (10) |
Temple of the Moon, Darnassus | Droha (60) |
The Crystal Hall, the Exodar | Gurrag (40) Sulaa (50) Hobahken (60) Farseer Nobundo (70) |
The Great Forge, Ironforge | Farseer Javad (50) |
Dwarven District, Stormwind | Dalga Hammerbeak (50) Bolner Hammerbeak (50) Farseer Umbrua (60) |
Training Hall, Stormwind | Mulric Boldrock (40) Remaari (50) |
Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle | Adrihi (25) |
Thelsamar, Loch Modan | Grenhild Darktalon (25) |
Theramore Isle]], Dustwallow Marsh | Raedra Windhammer (15-30) |
Silver Enclave, Dalaran | Farseer Lopaa (80) |
Horde Trainers[]
Neutral Trainers[]
Location | Shaman Trainers |
Terrace of Light, Shattrath City | Darahu (70) (Aldor only) Luknar (70) |
Storm's Eye Overlook, Heart of Azeroth | Tribemother Torra (10-45) Aggra (16-45) |