Shamanstone - Buffeting Galefury
There are a number of Shamanstones found all over Frostfire Ridge. Players must get within a few yards of any given Shamanstone to unlock that Shamanstone's buff. Once unlocked, players can choose which one of six permanent buffs they will have in Frostfire Ridge from the Shamanstone at Frostwall, the Horde garrison, just southeast of the flight path. Buffs can be swapped between at any time while at the garrison.
Type | Location | Coords | Effect |
Buff chooser | Frostwall | [48.4, 66.4] | Interact with to gain a found buff |
Spirit of the Wolf | Wor'gol | [17.5, 56.7] | Faster run speed out of combat |
Blessing of the Wolf | Bladespire Citadel | [27.1, 36.5] | Occasional friendly wolf guardian |
Touched by Fire | Daggermaw Ravine | [37.0, 33.2] | Occasional enemies burned by lava |
Buffeting Galefury | Southwind Cliffs | [65.2, 79.1] | Occasional +100% multistrike/levitation |
Touched by Ice | Coldsnap Bluffs | [60.4, 13.7] | Occasional enemies frozen |
Ogrish Fortitude | Stonefury Cliffs | [43.9, 12.3] | Occasional +15% resist all |
- With the exception of Blessing of the Wolf, all of the Shamanstones are available to Alliance players.
- The buff chooser Shamanstone is in the middle of Frostwall, the Horde garrison, just southeast of the flight master
- Players will interact with the Spirit of the Wolf Shamanstone in Wor'gol during the quest
[10-40] Honor Has Its Rewards located below an outcropping.
- The Blessing of the Wolf Shamanstone is at [42.7, 43.5] just to the right of the Bounty of Bladespire chest near Durotan's throne in Bladespire Citadel, available after completing the quest
[10-40] Last Steps
- Find the Touched By Fire Shamanstone next to Primalist Mur'og, high above the southern cliff of Daggermaw Ravine - look for the Ogre Wayguides to find the path
- The Buffeting Galefury Shamanstone is nestled against a rock south of Grom'gar on the eastern Southwind Cliffs
- Touched By Ice is at the base of the path leading up from the sea in the Cold Snap Coast and Coldsnap Bluffs area north of Colossal's Fall
- Ogrish Fortitude is at the base of the path between Tor'goroth's Tooth and the Stonefury Cliffs of the Bloodmaul Stronghold. It should be possible to access the shamanstone by running from Throm'var Landing eastward along the coast without interacting with any level 100 mobs
Tracking quests[]
To check whether the Shamanstone has been found, copy and paste this command into the chat window:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(ID))
If a "true" appears in the chat window, the Shamanstone has been found; "false" indicates the opposite.
ID | Shamanstone |
33977 | Blessing of the Wolf |
33978 | Spirit of the Wolf |
33979 | Buffeting Galefury |
33980 | Ogrish Fortitude |
33981 | Touched by Fire |
33982 | Touched by Ice |
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.