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MobShan'ze Celestial Shaper
Image of Shan'ze Celestial Shaper
Title <Hand of Shan Bu>
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 37 Elite
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Shan'ze
Location Hall of Kings, Throne of Thunder
Status Killable

Shan'ze Celestial Shapers, also known as the Hands of Shan Bu, are four mobs in the Throne of Thunder. Similar to how Shan Bu attempted to bend Niuzao to his will, these Mogu sorcerers appear to be attempting to shape the power of the August Celestials to their own purposes. When players defeat them, the essences of the four Celestials thank the heroes by aiding them in their battle with the Twin Consorts.


  • Spell fire bluepyroblast Cosmic Strike — Channeling a cosmic strike.
    • Ability druid starfall Cosmic Strike — Soars towards an enemy location, dealing 18135 to 19066 Arcane damage to all enemies within 8 yards, knocking them back.
  • Spell nature chainlightning Lightning Lash — Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 5 targets, inflicting greater Nature damage to each successive target.

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