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Shan Bu's sinstone

Shan Bu's sinstone (in the center of the image).

The sinstone of Shan Bu is found between the Redelav Hall and Sourwine Estate in the Redelav District of Revendreth.[55.02, 35.86]VZ-RevendrethBlip It belonged to the mogu Shan Bu.


Shan Bu

Shan Bu was a rallying ember upon what was once believed a dying fire. His loyalty was unquestionable.

So too was his might. Shan Bu commanded forces against swarms of mantid and countless mortals who fought to prevent the rise of his king.

Thousands of lives were crushed with no regret, only conviction.

The glowing ember of wrath in his heart must be crushed with similar conviction. Only then may redemption find him.

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  • During development, this sinstone read:
    Shan Bu was a rallying ember upon what was once believed a dying fire. Loyal to his King of Thunder to the very end, Shan Bu commanded forces against swarms of mantid and countless mortals who fought to prevent the rise of his king.
    If only such conviction and power had been sworn to the service of a better king or master.

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