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Image of Shannox
Gender Male
Race Flamewaker (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Firelands
Status Killable


Shannox is a flamewaker boss of the Firelands raid instance.

World first heroic kill on 25-man achieved 30.6.2011 by Stars - TW-Crystalpine Stinger.


"The ferocious flamewakers of Firelands are terrifying enough, but Shannox has brought companions to his side in defense of the Firelands. This mighty hunter will require that you find a way to deal with his blazing pets before he burns you to a crisp.[1]

Adventure Guide[]

The flamewakers are among the most feared elemental guardians in the Firelands. Shannox is no exception. Serving as the chief hunter and kennel master of Ragnaros's hell hounds, Shannox patrols the elemental realm with his two most ferocious beasts: Riplimb and Rageface.


Shannox is untauntable and uses a standard threat table. He has a 10 minute enrage in all difficulties, but this is likely to happen only on heroic mode (or raids doing Achievement zone firelands [Bucket List]) since normal mode has Magma Rupture as a soft enrage, which will likely kill your raid before then.

  • Spell fire flameshock Immolation Trap — Shannox launches a fiery trap at a random player's location. The trap arms after 2 seconds, then detonates when either a player or one of Shannox's pets steps over the trap. Immolation Trap inflicts 75000 Fire damage, an additional 20000 Fire damage every 3 sec. for 9 seconds, and increases the target's damage taken by 40% for 9 sec.
  • Spell frost chainsofice Crystal Prison Trap — Shannox launches a prison trap at a random player's location. The trap arms after 2 seconds, then detonates when either a player or one of Shannox's pets steps over the trap. The Crystal Prison trap encases the target in a block of magma crystal, preventing all movement and any other action. Destroying the crystal prison frees a trapped player. If Shannox's pet is trapped, the crystal will lose 10% of its health per second until it is destroyed.
  • Ability throw Arcing Slash — Shannox inflicts 125% of normal melee damage in a 120 degree cone up to 10 yards in front of him, and inflicts Jagged Tear on his current target.
    • Ability gouge Jagged Tear — Shannox's Arcing Slash leaves a Jagged Tear that inflicts 3000 Physical damage every 3 sec. for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell nature earthbind Hurl Spear — Shannox hurls his spear at a location near Riplimb. When the spear lands it inflicts 120000 Physical damage to all enemies within 3 yards and 50000 Fire damage to all enemies within 50 yards. The spear strike also triggers a cascade of molten eruptions around the impact location, inflicting 76000 Fire damage to enemies caught in an eruption. Riplimb will then break off from combat, fetch the spear, and return it to Shannox.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Frenzy — When the players defeat Riplimb or Rageface, Shannox enters a frenzy. This increases his Physical damage by 30% and attack speed by 30%. This effects stacks twice.
  • Spell fire volcano Magma Rupture — Once Riplimb has been slain, Shannox drives his spear into the ground instead of hurling it. This attack inflicts 50000 Fire damage and increases the Fire damage taken for all players by 40% for 1 min. The spear strike also triggers a cascade of molten eruptions around the impact location, inflicting 80000 Fire damage to enemies caught in an eruption.


Riplimb is untauntable and uses a standard threat table. In Heroic Difficulty Riplimb cannot be permanently slain while his master lives. When his health reaches zero, he will collapse for 30 seconds, and then reanimate at full health to resume fighting.

  • Ability backstab Limb Rip — Riplimb savagely bites his current target, inflicting 130% of normal melee damage and inflicting Jagged Tear.
    • Ability gouge Jagged Tear — Riplimb's Limb Rip eaves a Jagged Tear that inflicts 3000 Physical damage every 3 sec. for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Frenzied Devotion — Riplimb enters an unstoppable rage if he witnesses Shannox's health reach 30%. This effect increases Riplimb's damage dealt by 400%, attack speed by 200% and movement speed by 100%.
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy Feeding Frenzy Heroic Difficulty — Riplimb's successful melee attacks increase his physical damage dealt by 5% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.


Rageface cannot be controlled or tanked, and darts about from enemy to enemy, changing targets periodically.

  • Ability creature poison 01 Face Rage — Rageface leaps at a random player, stunning and knocking them to the ground. Rageface begins to viciously maul the player, inflicting 8000 Physical damage every 0.5 sec. and the damage dealt increases over time. While Faceraging, all successful attacks against Rageface will be critical strikes. Rageface will continue the mauling until his target is dead, or he receives a single attack that deals at least 30000 damage.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Frenzied Devotion — Rageface enters an unstoppable rage if he witnesses Shannox's health reach 30%. This effect increases Rageface's damage dealt by 400%, attack speed by 200% and movement speed by 100%.
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy Feeding Frenzy Heroic Difficulty — Rageface's successful melee attacks increase his physical damage dealt by 5% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.


There are three things to worry about during this fight. Traps, Tank debuff stacks, and raid damage. We will briefly go over each mechanic and how to mitigate it.


Shannox throws traps around. Don't walk over traps. If a doggie is chasing you, walk the dog over the trap (avoid dragging the dog over a crystal prison trap if it is the current dps target, however). Crystalline traps have a dark red crystal in the center. Immolation traps have the familiar flame dancing in the center of the trap. The Riplimb tank must develop the ability to distinguish the two. If a dog is trapped in a crystalline prison trap, they will be out of line of sight and immune to all damage until the trap breaks (10 seconds after it's triggered, less if the prism is dpsed). If a player is trapped in a crystalline prison trap, they will be out of line of sight for heals and unable to act, but can still be attacked by Shannox or the dogs if they have aggro. Trapped players should be freed as soon as possible (and should ensure they don't get trapped in the future).

When a dog runs over any trap it gains a Wary buff which prevents it from being affected by other traps for 15 seconds from the time the trap was triggered. Riplimb often gains Wary once he completes a spear fetch (because there are tons of immolation traps lying around). Also, a few seconds after Shannox performs Hurl Spear, Riplimb will gain Dogged Determination that prevents him from being immobilized or slowed below a certain percentage of his normal speed (this percentage starts at 65% rises the longer Riplimb is attempting to retrieve and return the spear). This small window is when Riplimb can be kited (preferably into a Crystal Trap) to increase Shannox' spear downtime.

Tank Debuffs[]

Shannox and Riplimb can be tanked but not taunted. You'll want one tank on each of them and no tank on Rageface. Both Shannox and Riplimb place a stacking debuff on the tanks that must time off to be cleared. Riplimb will place the debuff when he attacks, Shannox will only place his debuff while he holds his spear. Keep Shannox and Riplimb a good 30-50 yards apart, but not more than 60 yard such that they gets separation anxiety.

Shannox will throw his spear to Riplimb. The spear will explode in fire. Riplimb will then pick up the spear and bring it back to Shannox. It is during this "fetch it boy" stage that both tanks can clear their debuffs. Riplimb can be slowed. Shannox can be kited for more time. Riplimb can be kited into a crystal trap but it must be done quickly. If the tank doesn't kite Riplimb into a trap before Riplimb begins his fetch cycle, he becomes immune to traps. It is not required to cleanse the buff every time he throws the spear, but it makes the fight much easier on the healers. Riplimb's tank should remember not to chase Riplimb as he heads back towards Shannox after retrieving the spear, as the time it takes Riplimb to get back to the tank is vital to ensuring his bleed falls off.

Getting the Jagged Tear debuff to fall off requires a combination of

  • luck regarding how much time is left on the debuff when Shannox hurls his spear
  • the distance between Riplimb and Shannox
  • the distance between Riplimb and the spear (which can be increased by kiting Riplimb after the spear lands)
  • the time Riplimb is stuck in a crystal trap

If one of these time-eaters is missing or too small, the other factors must be increased (tank Riplimb farther away, kite him away from the spear impact zone).

Raid Damage[]

During this fight your raid will take damage from Rageface. Both placing Immolation traps on him (thus allowing easier stopping of face rage) and placing him in Crystalline traps (not recommended, since he's being DPS'd first, but can break Facerage) will reduce the sporadic raid damage. Shannox cleaves and traps can wipe you if you get hit by them.

Kill Order[]

  • Kill Rageface right off the bat
  • Kill Riplimb with Shannox down near 30%, but kill Riplimb before he hits 30%
  • Kill Shannox

However, it is possible to have success with various kill orders.

Alternative Strategy[]

There have been reports of tanks that can ride each others' aggro so well that they effectively tank swap both Shannox/Riplimb. While this strategy has proven successful for some, it greatly increases the amount of damage taken by the tanks (Dog doesn't have a long "fetch it boy" phase) and complicates an easy fight.

Alternate Kill Order[]

If your raid has issues with tank death once Rageface dies, often due to Immolation traps hitting the tank, it is possible to alter the order slightly. Burn Rageface to about 30%, then move your melee to Shannox and your ranged to Riplimb apart from a couple heavy-hitters, who stay on Rageface to break Face Rage. Arcane mages are a very good option here, with Marksman hunters being a decent backup. Once Riplimb and Rageface are both under 10% and Shannox is close to 30%, both dogs are killed off in quick succession and Shannox is then burned through the remainder of his health.

This allows all healers to move from other targets to the Shannox tank at the same time, simplifying the healing. However, this does increase the risk of deaths to Face Rage if the assigned dps are out of range or otherwise unable to act. Note that the exact percent health Rageface should be left at, as well as which dps go where, depends greatly on both your raid composition and the performance of all dps.

Solo strategy[]

There are two fatal mechanics in this fight for players trying to solo the encounter:

  • Rageface's Face Rage
  • Shannox's Crystal Prison Trap

Pop cooldowns on the pull. Both mechanics can be countered by pet classes that can direct their pets to attack Rageface to break the channel and the Crystal Prison should players get trapped by it. Otherwise beating the encounter will require bursting down Shannox before Rageface casts Face Rage, or bursting down Rageface and surviving Shannox's +30% damage/attack speed frenzy. Try to keep Riplimb alive, but crowd-controlled if possible. There's no real difference between normal and heroic mode at this point.


Item Type
Normal Heroic
Inv axe 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Skullstealer Greataxe] Inv axe 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Skullstealer Greataxe] Strength two-hand axe
Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Feeding Frenzy] Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Feeding Frenzy] Agility dagger
Inv offhand 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Goblet of Anger] Inv offhand 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Goblet of Anger] Spirit off-hand
Inv boots robe raidwarlock j 01 [Coalwalker Sandals] Inv boots robe raidwarlock j 01 [Coalwalker Sandals] Caster cloth boots
Inv gauntlet leather raidrogue j 01 [Gloves of Dissolving Smoke] Inv gauntlet leather raidrogue j 01 [Gloves of Dissolving Smoke] Agility leather gloves
Inv shoulder leather raiddruid j 01 [Flickering Shoulderpads] Inv shoulder leather raiddruid j 01 [Flickering Shoulderpads] Leather shoulders
Inv boots mail raidshaman j 01 [Treads of Implicit Obedience] Inv boots mail raidshaman j 01 [Treads of Implicit Obedience] Spirit mail boots
Inv helm mail raidhunter j 01 [Scalp of the Bandit Prince] Inv helm mail raidhunter j 01 [Scalp of the Bandit Prince] Agility mail helm
Inv pants plate raidpaladin j 01 [Legplates of Absolute Control] Inv pants plate raidpaladin j 01 [Legplates of Absolute Control] Spirit plate leggings
Inv glove pants raidwarrior j 01 [Legplates of Frenzied Devotion] Inv glove pants raidwarrior j 01 [Legplates of Frenzied Devotion] Tank plate leggings
Inv belt plate raidwarrior j 01 [Uncrushable Belt of Fury] Inv belt plate raidwarrior j 01 [Uncrushable Belt of Fury] Strength plate belt
Inv bracer plate raidpaladin j 01 [Bracers of the Dread Hunter] Inv bracer plate raidpaladin j 01 [Bracers of the Dread Hunter] Spirit plate bracers
Inv jewelry ring firelandsraid 03c [Crystal Prison Band] Inv jewelry ring firelandsraid 03c [Crystal Prison Band] Caster ring
Inv jewelry necklace 53 [Necklace of Fetishes] Inv jewelry necklace 53 [Necklace of Fetishes] Strength necklace
Inv summerfest firespirit [Eternal Ember] Quest item
Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember] Trade goods
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror] Armor token
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Fiery Protector] Armor token
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Fiery Vanquisher] Armor token
Inv diablostone [Crystallized Firestone] Currency
Shared boss loot
Item Type
Normal Heroic
Inv mace 1h firelandsraid d 03 [Shatterskull Bonecrusher] Inv mace 1h firelandsraid d 03 [Shatterskull Bonecrusher] Agility one-hand mace
Inv sword 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Zoid's Firelit Greatsword] Inv sword 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Zoid's Firelit Greatsword] Strength two-hand sword
Inv stave 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Smoldering Censer of Purity] Inv stave 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Smoldering Censer of Purity] Spirit staff
Inv axe 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Eye of Purification] Inv axe 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Eye of Purification] Spirit one-hand axe
Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Avool's Incendiary Shanker] Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Avool's Incendiary Shanker] Agility dagger
Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Entrail Disgorger] Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Entrail Disgorger] Agility dagger
Inv sword 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Firethorn Mindslicer] Inv sword 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Firethorn Mindslicer] Caster sword

Related Achievements[]


Yes... I smell them too, Riplimb. Outsiders encroach on the Firelord's private grounds. Find their trail, find them for me, that I may dispense punishment!
Aha! The interlopers... Kill them! EAT THEM!
Face Rage
Go for the throat!
Spear Toss
Fetch your supper!
Rageface dies
You murderers! Why... why would you kill such a noble animal?!
Riplimb dies
Riplimb! No... no! Oh, you terrible little beasts! HOW COULD YOU?!
Magma Rupture
Twist in flames, interlopers!
Killing a player
  • Yes... oh yes!
  • The Firelord will be most pleased!
  • Now you stay dead!
  • Dog food!
The pain... Lord of fire, it hurts...
Unused quotes
  • Tear them down!
  • KILL!
  • Sic 'em!
  • Step off!
  • Back! Stay back!
  • Get away from me, outsiders!
  • Back, filth!
  • Now you burn!


10-man Normal[]

10-man Heroic[]

25-man Normal[]

25-man Heroic[]


Shannox is voiced by Grant George.

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-09-20):
    • Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.
    • Riplimb's health has been reduced by 15%.
    • Rageface's health has been reduced by 15%.
    • Magma Flare damage and Hurl Spear damage have been reduced by 15% on both difficulties.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-07-14):
    • Successful attacks on Rageface will now always be critical strikes while he is channeling Face Rage.
    • Players on the legendary quest N [35] Delegation should now be able to get the Dull Emberstone Focus charge off of Shannox’s spear more easily, so long as it’s placed within 50 yards of the spear.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-07-06):
    • Shannox will now rotate when appropriate instead of moving to get in range of his target while being tanked.
    • Shannox will always use Hurl Spear after a raid wipes, even if Riplimb collapsed just prior to the group wiping.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-06-29):
    • Rageface’s Face Rage is now slightly less rageful, as the increase of the rate of damage per tick has been reduced.
    • Creatures linked to Shannox will now respawn every 4 hours until he is killed, up from 2 hours.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Added.


External links[]
