- Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration
- Item Level 32
- Binds when picked up
- Neck
- +3 Intellect
- +2 Stamina
- +2 Versatility
- Equip: Your heals have a chance to call on the power of the Arcane if you're exalted with the Scryers, or the Light if you're exalted with the Aldor.
- Requires Level 27
- Requires Shattered Sun Offensive - Exalted
- Sell Price: 5
This item is a reputation reward; you must be Exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive to purchase it from Eldara Dawnrunner at Shattered Sun Staging Area, Isle of Quel'Danas
Aldor Exalted Effect[]
- The Aldor proc grants "Light's Salvation" - +117 spell power for 10 seconds.
- The Aldor proc rate is roughly 4% (tested empirically over several hundred attempts).
- The Aldor effect does not stack; if it procs while a previous buff is still active, the buff refreshes back to 10 seconds.
- The Aldor effect does not have an internal 'once per unit of time' cap. Procs have been observed while a previous proc was still in effect.
Scryers Exalted Effect[]
- The Scryers proc grants "Arcane Surge" - Instantly Heals Target for 618-682.
- The Scryers proc appears to have a 45 or 50 second cool down.
- The Scryers proc will occur on ticks of Heal over time powers such as
[Renew] and
Patch changes[]
Hotfix (2008-04-13): Several bugs have been fixed with the Shattered Sun Pendants. Shattered Sun Pendants of Acumen and Might will now be triggered only by spells and abilities which cause damage. Shattered Sun Pendant of Might will no longer break crowd control effects such as Scattershot[sic] with its triggered effect. Shattered Sun Pendants of Acumen, Might, and Restoration now all have correct range limits.
Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Added.