Shield Hill
Shield Hill is an ancient vrykul burial ground located at the southernmost point of Howling Fjord.[60.7, 79.5]
At some point just prior to the war against the Lich King, under the leadership of Jonah Sterling, the Northsea Freebooters pirates stole a few artifacts from the graves of Shield Hill, which brought the kvaldir to Northrend's shores, as they disturbed the spirits of the dead.[1] Among the stolen artifacts were [The Frozen Heart of Isuldof],
[The Staff of Storm's Fury],
[The Shield of the Aesirites] and
[The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir]. The spirits of the vrykul Fengir the Disgraced, Rodin the Reckless, Isuldof Iceheart, and Windan of the Kvaldir were also brought back into the world of the living after the desecration of their graves.[2]
All of the artifacts were later retrieved by adventurers, and the plan of the tuskarr was simply to return them at their proper resting places. But the results of their plan did not play out as expected as the offering came too late, and nothing could be done to prevent the arrival and attacks of the kvaldir.[3]
Shield Hill Digsite[]

Shield Hill is a vrykul archaeology dig site.
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 94
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[10-30] The Dead Rise!
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[10-30] A Return to Resting