The following NPCs can be found in the Shimmering Expanse.
Admiral Dvorek
[30-35] Hopelessly Gearless
[30-35] A Better Vantage
[30-35] Caught Off-Guard
[30-35] Clear Goals
[30-35] Swift Action
[30-35] Gauging Success
Captain Taylor
[30-35] Body Blows
[30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
[30-35] Cold Welcome
[30-35] Swift Approach
[30-35] Not Entirely Unprepared
[30-35] Fallen But Not Forgotten
[30-35] Desperate Plan
[30-35] Full Circle
Divemaster Birmingham
[30-35] Clamming Up
[30-35] Bellies Await
Engineer Hexascrub
[30-35] Art of Attraction
[30-35] Odor Coater
[30-35] Properly Inspired
[30-35] Come Prepared
[30-35] Unfurling Plan
[30-35] Honor and Privilege
Enormous Skull
[30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
Jorlan Trueblade
[30-35] Hostile Waters
[30-35] Welcome News
Levia Dreamwaker
[30-35] An Occupation of Time
Blood Guard Toldrek
[30-35] Hostile Waters
[30-35] Welcome News
Broken Prong
[30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
Captain Vilethorn
[30-35] Hopelessly Gearless
[30-35] Shelled Salvation
[30-35] A Better Vantage
[30-35] Caught Off-Guard
[30-35] Clear Goals
[30-35] Swift Action
[30-35] Gauging Success
Elendri Goldenbrow
[30-35] An Occupation of Time
Fiasco Sizzlegrin
[30-35] Crafty Crabs
[30-35] Properly Inspired
[30-35] Come Prepared
[30-35] Unfurling Plan
[30-35] Honor and Privilege
Legionnaire Nazgrim
[30-35] Body Blows
[30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
[30-35] Deep Attraction
[30-35] Swift Approach
[30-35] Not Entirely Unprepared
[30-35] Fallen But Not Forgotten
[30-35] Desperate Plan
[30-35] Full Circle
Caretaker Movra <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Slippery Threat
Crucible of Nazsharin
[30-35] Chosen Burden
Earthmender Duarn <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Don't be Shellfish
[30-35] Nespirah
[30-35] Making Contact
[30-35] Slave Labor
[30-35] Stick it to Them
[30-35] Capture the Crab
[30-35] Breaking Through
[30-35] We Are Not Alone
[30-35] Waking the Beast
[30-35] The War Has Many Fronts
Executioner Verathress
[30-35] Setting An Example
Farseer Gadra <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] The Looming Threat
[30-35] Backed Into a Corner
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar
[30-35] Not Soon Forgotten
Fathom-Stalker Azjentus
[30-35] Reoccupation
[30-35] The Revered Lady
[30-35] No Trespass Forgiven
Felice <Sambino's Assistant>
[30-35] Crabby Patrons
Felora Firewreath <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] A Distracting Scent
[30-35] The Great Sambino
[30-35] Toshe's Vengeance
Lady Naz'jar
[30-35] To the Fathom-Lord's Call
[30-35] By Her Lady's Word
[30-35] The Culmination of Our Efforts
[30-35] Her Lady's Hand
Lady Sira'kess <Mistress of the Tides>
[30-35] Devout Assembly
[30-35] At All Costs
[30-35] Final Judgment
Luminescent Pearl
[30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom
Naz'jar Honor Guard
[30-35] Stolen Property
Sira'kess Tide Priestess
[30-35] Built to Last
The Great Sambino <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Undersea Inflation
[30-35] Totem Modification
[30-35] Back in One Piece
Toshe Chaosrender <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Rundown
[30-35] Silver Tide Hollow
[30-35] Vortex
[30-35] Vengeful Heart
[30-35] Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar
[30-35] The War Has Many Fronts
Wavespeaker Tulra <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Still Valuable
[30-35] Something Edible
[30-35] The Call of the Blade
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
[30-35] Looking Forward
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge
[30-35] Losing Ground
[30-35] Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep
[30-35] A Breath of Fresh Air
Wavespeaker Valoren <The Earthen Ring>
[30-35] Still Valuable
[30-35] A Powerful Need To Eat
[30-35] The Call of the Blade
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
[30-35] Looking Forward
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge
[30-35] Losing Ground
[30-35] Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep
[30-35] A Breath of Fresh Air
Class Trainers[]
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers[]
Chief Engineer Yoon <Engineering Supplies>
Frell "Fixit" Fastbolt <Engineering Supplies>
Salena Madeux <General Goods>
Chief Engineer Petibas <Engineering Supplies>
Ginna Gearcrank <Engineering Supplies>
Roxa <General Goods>
Caretaker Movra <The Earthen Ring> (Food Vendor/Reagent Vendor/Repairs)
Provisioner Arok <Earthen Ring Quartermaster>
Various Services[]
Anissa Matherly <Innkeeper>
Francis Greene <Gryphon Master>
Miriam Brassbomb <Stable Master>
Salty McTavish <Gryphon Master>
Swift Seahorse <Flight Master> (Tranquil Wash)
Swift Seahorse <Flight Master> (Voldrin's Hold)
Briglar <Flight Master>
Brogdul <Flight Master>
Larok <Stable Master>
Swift Seahorse <Flight Master> (Legion's Rest)
Swift Seahorse <Flight Master> (Stygian Bounty)
Zun'ja <Innkeeper>
Caretaker Movra <The Earthen Ring> (Innkeeper)
Swift Seahorse <Flight Master> (Silver Tide Hollow)
Tender Aru <Stable Master>
Other Notable NPCs[]
Captain Florence (Rare)
Captain Glovaal
Captain McFerris
Crushclaw <Miriam's Pet>
First Lieutenant Wiley <No. 2>
Captain Bloodknuckle
Captain Foulwind (Rare)
Captain "Jewels" Verne
First Lieutenant Pieracci <No. 2>
Snaptrap <Larok's Pet>
Derth Firesinger <The Earthen Ring>
Earthwatcher Faldor <The Earthen Ring>
Earthwatcher Komo <The Earthen Ring>
Erunak Stonespeaker <The Earthen Ring>
Fathom-Caller Azrajar
Nar'jira <Champion of Azshara>
Voice of Nespirah
Burgy Blackheart <Dreaded Captain of Diane's Fancy> (Rare)
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar (Elite)
Hagrim Hopebreaker (Elite)
Overseer Idra'kess (Elite)
Ozumat <Fiend of the Dark Below> (Elite)
Poseidus (Rare)
Varkul the Unrelenting <Kvaldir General> (Elite)
Velskar (Elite)