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AllianceShow Me What You've Got
Start Lord Aldrius Norwington
End Lord Aldrius Norwington
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [10-60] Beginner Equitation
Next A [10-60] Equine Retrieval


Mount Cooper to begin your show and score at least 150 points.

  • Mount Cooper
  • Score 150 Points


It looks like you understand the basics. Now it's time to put everything together.

Head for the ring. Once you hear the starting pistol, you will have one minute to score as high as possible.

Gnolls are worth one point. Run 'em through with the harpoon!

If you see a paper zeppelin, bag it with your bolas for fifty points!

Leaping fences gives you style. Style gives you more points when you skewer gnolls or down zeppelins. It's super important, so don't forget to keep jumping fences!


You will receive:


Kul Tiran riding is a true show of mastery and sport!


What a showing!


This is timed, but the timer is fairly generous.

Hop back on Cooper if not already riding, then enter the ring. As before, Cooper has these abilities:

  1. Ability mount charger Rapid Dash 20 yd range — Gain a bust of speed for 1 sec. During a Rapid Dash, Harpoon Jab will always land a critical strike. 2.5 sec recharge. Max 2 Charges
  2. Inv polearm 2h kultirasquest b 01 Harpoon Jab 15 yd range — Jab with your harpoon, striking targets in front of you. During Rapid Dash, Harpoon Jab will always land a critical strike. Instant. (0.5 sec cooldown)
  3. Inv jewelry necklace 92 Bolas 40 yd range — Throw a bolas at the target. Riding over an enemy tangled in bolas will drag the enemy behind you. (3 sec cooldown)

Focus on jumping over fences at first, then jab the occasional gnoll, but focus on zeppelins when they appear. Norwington will call out when they are released.

Lord Aldrius Norwington says: Ready? Set...
Lord Aldrius Norwington says: Begin!
Lord Aldrius Norwington says: Zeppelin out!
Lord Aldrius Norwington says: Haha! Good show! Keep it up!


Optional breadcrumbs: A [10-60] The Norwington Festival, A [10-60] The Glory of the Hunt

  1. A [10-60] The Stoat Hunt & A [10-60] Bolas and Birds & A [10-60] An Element of Danger
  2. A [10-60] Runaway Rider
  3. A [10-60] Following Eddie's Trail & A [10-60] Saurolisk Escape & A [10-60] Troublesome Troglodytes
  4. A [10-60] The Lord's Behest
  5. A [10-60] Be Our Guest
    1. A [10-60] Safety First & A [10-60] Lucky Charm & A [10-60] Monstrous Energy
    2. A [10-60] The Perfect Horse, of Course
  6. A [10-60] Beginner Equitation
  7. A [10-60] Show Me What You've Got (optional)
  8. A [10-60] Equine Retrieval
  9. A [10-60] No Party Like a Trogg Party & A [10-60] Mountain Sounds
  10. A [10-60] Best In Show

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.2.5 (2019-09-24): "Show Me What You've Got" is no longer required for the The Norwington Estate quest line in Tiragarde Sound.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

External links[]
