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For the group of the same name, see Shrouded.
Spell shadow nethercloak
  • Shrouded
  • Nathrezim infiltrators have disguised themselves among enemies throughout the dungeon. Cartel Ta will reward you handsomely for assisting in their capture.

Shrouded is the Shadowlands Season 4 affix for Mythic+. It is applied as a seasonal 4th affix that is added to every Inv relics hourglass 02 [Mythic Keystone] at level 10 or higher.

Some mobs throughout the dungeon will instead be replaced with a dreadlord that is in Spell shadow nethercloak Disguised and will have an obvious dark aura.

Upon defeating a dreadlord, a member of the Cartel Ta will capture it and allow the players a choice of the following bounties and a Spell broker buff Bounty Payment buff that lasts for 5 seconds.

  • Ability criticalstrike Bounty: Critical Strike — Critical Strike increased by 2% for each dreadlord captured. This effect stacks.
  • Ability mage netherwindpresence Bounty: Haste — Haste increased by 2% for each dreadlord captured. This effect stacks.
  • Spell arcane arcanetactics Bounty: Versatility — Versatility increased by 1% for each dreadlord captured. This effect stacks.
  • Ability rogue sinistercalling Bounty: Mastery — Mastery increased by 69 for each dreadlord captured. This effect stacks.

A dreadlord miniboss, Zul'gamux, will shop up at some point in the dungeon and will provide three stacks of any bounty the player chooses and the Spell broker buff Restoration buff for 5 seconds.


During the PTR, originally added as "Disguised", it was hotfixed to the "Reclaimed" name which was's April Fools.

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