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NeutralShut Them Down
Start Ebyssian [33.1, 50.9]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
End Ebyssian
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category [[Embers of Neltharion campaign|Embers of Neltharion]]
Experience 9,500
Reputation +130 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Rushing Quality
Next N [70] A Scale for a Scale

[[Category:Embers of Neltharion quests]]

Shut Them Down

Primalist Stonegrinders, Earthrender Conduits, and Igira


Destroy 3 Earthdrainer Conduits and 4 Extracted Elemental Cores.

  • Earthdrainer Conduit destroyed (3) [29.5, 54.3]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
  • Extracted Elemental Core destroyed (4)


Extracted Elemental Core

Extracted Elemental Core

Up ahead, the Primalists are working to awaken the Zaqali's final elder.

When we used the farsight totem earlier, I observed that they were draining something from the elder. Now I realize it is likely an attempt to dispel the magic keeping the elder in stasis. They are using elemental cores to contain the magic in the same way we did to cleanse Sabellian.

Fyrakk absorbing shadowflame is disastrous. We cannot add an elder awakening to that threat. We must halt their efforts.


You will receive:


I cannot be certain if this will stop them entirely, but it will at least slow their progress.


I hope we have bought ourselves enough time to gather reinforcements.


Earthdrainer Conduit

An Earthdrainer Conduit with Igira in the background

On accept:

Ebyssian and Sabellian join the party.
Ebyssian says: Sabellian, how is your pain?
Sabellian says: I am still injured, but the shadowflame... It is gone. I no longer feel it creeping towards my soul.
Ebyssian says: We acted quickly enough then. You are cleansed.
Sabellian says: I feared the worst. I feared I would end up like him.

Players again have the Protection of the Ebon Flight buff while on these quests:

Inv icon wing08e Protection of the Ebon Flight — Health increased by 200%. Damage taken reduced by 80%. Immune to knockback effects. Regenerating 2% health every 3 sec.

For an easter egg, consider emoting /rude at Fyrakk:

Fyrakk whispers: HAHAHA!!
Inv fyrakk dragonbreath Roasted — Fyrakk is amused by your actions. Hits for 50% of max health and causes a 10-second debuff: Burning for 2 Shadowflame damage every 2 sec. Healing taken reduced by 100%.

Kill a path up the hill to the west-northwest to find the extracted elemental cores. To the south of the marked quest area is Igira, being channeled by three Primalist Stonegrinders using Earthrender Conduits. Kill the Primalists and destroy the conduits:

Ebyssian says: It is fortunate that this elder still slumbers. The size of that spear beside her...
Sabellian says: I wonder, if she were awake would she use it on Fyrakk's behalf or stab him with it?


  1. N [70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
  2. N [70] Sight Beyond Sight
  3. N [70] Legends of the Zaqali & N [70] Know Thy Enemy
  4. N [70] Take Out the Head
  5. N [70] Consequences
  6. N [70] Battlefield Triage
  7. N [70] Rushing Quality
  8. N [70] Shut Them Down & N [70] Alliance of Convenience
  9. N [70] A Scale for a Scale
  10. N [70] From Hell's Heart
  11. N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
  12. N [70] Raked Over the Coals
  13. N [70] The Endless Burning Sky
  14. N [70] In the Wake of the Ashes

Patch changes[]

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