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Inv misc stonetablet 01
  • 5 Achievement points
  • In Dragonbane Keep, find all of the djaradin tablets.
  • Criteria:
    • Complaint to Scalepiercer
    • The Grand Flame's Journal
    • Wyrmeater's Recipe
Stone Tablet

A Stone Tablet at Dragonbane Keep

Siege on Dragonbane Keep: Chiseled Record is an exploration achievement earned in Dragonbane Keep, by finding all of the djaradin tablets. They are:

  • Complaint to Scalepiercer at [27.8, 68.4]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip (inside Scalepiercer's Hut in the back-left)
  • The Grand Flame's Journal at [24.1, 69.2]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip (north of the main keep)
  • Wyrmeater's Recipe at [28.8, 72.5]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip (inside Wyrmeater's southern hut behind the left door jamb)

Note that the Siege on Dragonbane Keep does not need to be active to find these objects. However, all hostiles despawn once the scenario is complete, making it much easier to get around.


The Stone Tablets have this to say:

When you visited you said, "I will give you fine quality copper."
You left, but then you did not do that.
My messenger told me that you put poor quality ingots before her and said, "If you want them, take them--if you don't, then leave!"
What do you take me for? I have sent--
<The tablet is breaks here. It looks like it was smashed with a hammer.>
Grand Flame's Journal
Dear diary,
We have bound a molten giant to our fort. It is most impressive. However, it has a horrible attitude. It keeps attempting to kill us with molten rocks. The fire tickles--it is very cute.
I have used some of these rocks to bind a large lava elemental to my will. It is very powerful and much more manageable. Hopefully with practice we will soon be able to wield these giants as we do the small elementals.
Recipe for good soup:
- Fresh meat with bones (Do not waste dragon meat on soup--use riverbeast)
- Big rock
- Vegetables
Toss the bones and vegetables into a boiling pot. Stew for an hour.
Remove the bones and vegetables but leave the broth. Add in fresh meat and new vegetables.
Cook the soup until the meat is cooked.
If anyone says the soup is not good--hit them with the big rock.


The complaint to Scalepiercer is a direct reference to the likely oldest known written complaint, the Complaint tablet to Ea-nasir.

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