Sigilscored Scroll.
The Sigilscored Scroll [64.7, 25.6] is a bounty board located near brokers Ta'nasi and Xy'lonu at Keeper's Respite in Korthia. It starts daily group quests.
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Ensydius the Defiler
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Grimtalon
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Hungering Behemoth
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Lord Azzorak
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Nocturnus the Unraveler
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Ripmaul
[60G3 Daily] Broker's Bounty: Valdinar the Curseborn
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.