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NeutralSign Your Own Death Warrant
Start Stonehead [39.0, 66.0]VZ-RevendrethBlip
End Stonehead [39.0, 66.0]VZ-RevendrethBlip
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Rewards 25g 50s 60c
Previous N [58-60] Where is Prince Renathal?
Next N [58-60] Chasing Madness


Forge official documents condemning you to the Ember Ward.


Ember Ward only for bad buds!

<Stonehead squints at you and shakes head.>

You not look like other bad buds!

Bad buds come with bad paper!


You will receive:

  • 25g 50s 60c
  • 7,750 XP


Bad buds come with bad paper!


This bad paper look very bad...


Turn around and head south to the quest area. Kill Forbidden Dissectors, Forbidden Researchers, and Forbidden Trappers for the Inv misc enggizmos 18 [Venthyr Calligraphy Set] and look for piles of Forbidden Research Documents to loot Inv holiday tow spicebandage [Blank Parchment].

Head downhill to the Forbidden Library. Once the quest items have been collected, interact with the Venthyr Writing Desk to start a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story where the answers don't matter. Not even a little bit:

<You have all the tools needed to write your letter of condemnation.
Now you must choose what to write.>

Gossip <Forge your Letter of Condemnation.>

<Choose a salutation.>
  • Gossip Greetings Stonehead,
  • Gossip My Dearest Stonehead,
  • Gossip Attention: Gate Guardian,
  • Gossip Well Met!
  • Gossip (Inscription) To the esteemed Guardian of the southern gate of the Ember Ward,
By decree of the Master, this letter hereby condemns _________ to the Ember Ward.
  • Gossip This bad bud
  • Gossip <Write a fake name.>
  • Gossip <Write your real name.>
  • Gossip Whoever touched this letter last
  • Gossip (Inscription) The bearer of this letter, Alexander Reveanu, renowned ritualist and prominent member of House Darkvein, who previously enjoyed the Master's kind grace and favor.
Their crimes include ___________________.
  • Gossip Talking without ceasing
  • Gossip Being far too good-looking
  • Gossip Insulting the Master
  • Gossip Impersonating a Harvester
  • Gossip Murder
  • Gossip Document forgery
  • Gossip Overthinking every little decision they make
  • Gossip (Inscription) Fostering a single seed of discontent in their heart until it blossomed into an act of willful defiance against the Master's representative, the Lord Chamberlain.
They are to be confined within the Ember Ward's walls for ___________________.
  • Gossip As long as it pleases the Master
  • Gossip One millennium
  • Gossip One million millennia
  • Gossip All eternity
  • Gossip Twelve minutes
  • Gossip (Inscription) Until the cursed Light removes its mark from that desolate land, and the realm of Revendreth is complete once more! ...Or Stonehead learns to read. Whichever comes first.
<Choose a valediction.>

Exit the area and return to Stonehead.

On complete:

Stonehead says: Hmm... paper got fancy stamp and big words...
Stonehead says: Obviously, I can read all dis... and it def'nitely says what you say it says.
Stonehead says: Okay... You're outta here, bad bud!
Stonehead throws the player into the ward, landing close to Lost Sybille.
Lost Sybille says: Fall fall fall fall.
Lost Sybille says: Lost troupe, double dupe.


  1. N [58-60] Where is Prince Renathal?
  2. N [58-60] Sign Your Own Death Warrant
  3. N [58-60] Chasing Madness
  4. N [58-60] My Terrible Morning, N [58-60] Theotar's Mission, and N [58-60] Unbearable Light
  5. N [58-60] Lost in the Desiccation
  6. N [58-60] Tubbins's Tea
  7. N [58-60] An Uneventful Stroll
  8. N [58-60] Into the Light
  9. N [58-60] Securing Sinfall

Patch changes[]

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