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Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.
HordeSigns Of The Times
Start Blood Guard Torek [52.9, 72.4]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
End Blood Guard Torek [52.9, 72.4]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip
Level 80 (Requires 5)
Category Cataclysm
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards 7g 40s or 13g 23s at 80
Previous H [80] Prophecies Of Doom
Next H [80] Infiltrating the Cult, H [80] The Missing
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [80] Signs Of The Times.


Set up 5 Warning Posters around the Valley of Strength, the Drag, or the Valley of Honor.


We've got to do something to reduce interest in this doomsday cult, but I'm hesitant to take much action until we know more about who is behind this group.

I've had my men place markers around heavily traveled areas in Orgrimmar. Take these posters and set them up where you see the markers. They won't discourage the most determined of seekers, but it's a first step in exposing this cult. The Horde has enough to deal with as it is, without people willfully spreading lies too.


You will receive:

  • 13g 23s (at 80)
  • 7g 40s or 13g 23s at 80
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar


Did you put up those warning posters?

Poster events[]

The player places the following posters at the marked spots in Orgrimmar:

Beware: Dangerous Cultists

Citizens of Orgrimmar, beware the soothsayers and prophets of doom that have taken over our streets. Do not be taken in by their mad raving. They only want to weaken us in the face of our true enemies!

An Orgrimmar Citizen then appears and reacts to the poster:

  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: If I had a silver for every time I heard the world was going to end, I'd be richer than a goblin trade prince!
  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: Doomsday cultists? Well, the orcs have already survived the end of one world, so what's another?
  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: Well, that must be why my neighbor shaved his head and donned those robes. Maybe he'll let me have his stuff.
  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: Who would join something like this? If the world is really going to end, do they really think it will bother warning us?
  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: Looks like it's time for the grunts to clean out the Drag and the Cleft of Shadow again.
  • Orgrimmar Citizen says: Put these cultists on a zeppelin and send them to Stormwind! We don't need this kind of thing in Orgrimmar.


Well done, <name>. Now we must focus our efforts on discovering more about this cult and freeing the people they've conned into joining.


Warning poster marker

One of the markers located around the city.

Markers with blue arrows pointing over them can be found all over Orgrimmar except the Cleft of Shadow, Valley of Spirits and Valley of Wisdom.


Optional breadcrumbs: H [80] The Elements Cry Out, H [80] The Situation So Far

  1. H [80] Prophecies Of Doom
  2. H [80] Signs Of The Times
  3. H [80] Infiltrating the Cult
  4. H [80] Spreading The Word
  5. H [80] The Master's Plan
  6. H [80] The Doomsday Plan
  7. H [80] Thwarting Twilight's Hammer
  8. H [80] Alert Our Leaders

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-11-01): Activated.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Added.

External links[]
