This is a list of all quests starting in Silvermoon City.
The Bazaar[]
Just off the west side of the Bazaar is Sathren Azuredawn's shop
[1-30] Skymistress Gloaming. This follows on from
[1-30] Fly to Silvermoon City.
Farstriders' Square[]

Farstriders' Square.
North of Farstride Square are the Hunter Trainers, Tana, Oninath and Zandine.
[10] Seek the Farstriders
East of Farstrider Square is where the Blood Knights gather.
[12] The First Trial. This continues on from
[12] Summons from Knight-Lord Bloodvalor
[12] A Study in Power
[12] Claiming the Light
[12] Redeeming the Dead
[20] The Second Trial
[20] The Second Trial
[23D] The Path of the Adept. This continues on from
[23] Return to Silvermoon
[23] Forging the Weapon
[60] A Summons from Lord Solanar
[60] The Master's Path
Murder Row[]

Murder Row
[10] Find Keltus Darkleaf
[16] A Discreet Inquiry
[24] Rogues of the Shattered Hand
The Sanctum[]
[10] The Stone. This continues on from
[10] Return to Talionia
[10] Return to Carendin Halgar
[10] Return to Gan'rul Bloodeye
[20] Carendin Summons
Sunfury Spire[]
[1-30] Envoy to the Horde. This continues on from
[1-30] Hero of the Sin'dorei or
[1-30] Friend of the Sin'dorei.