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KyrianSins of the Past
Start The Curator [78.0, 39.6]VZ-RevendrethBlip
End The Countess [58.0, 27.5]VZ-RevendrethBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 4,750
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Through Glass
Next N [60] Land of Light


Go through the mirror and face the Countess.


The Countess built her reputation on being a native venthyr, never a soul.

Revealing her sinstone to the world would be catastrophic. This is the leverage we need for the information we seek.

She will tell us where Alwin is. Where the seal is.

This mirror leads to her estate. I will follow behind you as backup, but the kyrian shall wait here.

Don't let her threaten you. You hold the power.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,750 XP


You are lucky that the Curator is by your side, Maw Walker.

If you dared this stunt on your own, you would never see your precious Bastion again.


I shall tell you the story of the Seal of Contrition.

Then you are to leave. Immediately.


On accept:

The Curator says: After you, <name>.

Head through the mirror:

The player receives The Countess's Grasp debuff.
The Countess says: Ah, just who I was expecting.
The Countess says: Curator, my dear, did you really think I would not hear of your little plan?
The Countess says: Come along. We should speak in private.
The Curator says: Keep on your guard, <name>. The Countess is not one to mess with.

Follow the Countess and sit in the Ornate Chair:

The Countess says: It seems you have found my sinstone, and you have come to return it to me.
The Countess says: So the Maw Walker does not think you came to threaten me, let us choose our words carefully.
The Countess says: But we are all friends here. Please, eat. Then we will discuss your problem.

A Grand Feast appears on the table between the countess and the maw walker. Interact with it.

The Countess says: Since we agree you are not here to blackmail me, why did you seek my attention?
The Curator says: We are looking for a particular object, Countess. One that was once in noble hands. I assume you know of the Seal of Contrition?
The Countess says: Ah, yes. Surrounded by some amount of drama, was it not?
The Countess says: Yes, but first, you have something for me?

Hop out of the chair and turn in to the Countess.

On complete:

The Countess says: Some time ago, Alwin created the Seal of Contrition to aid in extracting anima from the souls in his care.
The Countess says: The seal was seen as a failure by most. Yes, it purged sins from souls quickly, but the amount of anima produced was... lacking.
The Countess says: When Denathrius found out about this wasteful relic, he exiled Alwin to the Ember Ward. Nobody has seen him, or the seal, since.
The Countess says: That is all I know. Now, begone before this stops being amusing.


  1. N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
  2. N [60] Overhead Intelligence, N [60] Eyes of the Master, N [60] Gothic Fashion
  3. N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess
  4. N [60] Through Glass
  5. N [60] Sins of the Past
  6. N [60] Land of Light
  7. N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
  8. N [60] The Folly of Envy
  9. N [60] Parting Words
  10. N [60] The Seal of Contrition

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