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HordeSiphoning Souls
Start Tacha
End Tacha
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +75 Voldunai
Rewards 38g 80s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Inconvenient Spirits, H [30-60] Ranishu Are Resources, H [30-60] They've Got Golems
Next H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove


Kill 5 Soul-Trapped Guardians and use the Soulcatcher Totem to siphon their souls from their corpse.


<Tacha rummages through her sack of scavenged supplies.>

So these golems are powered by Zandalari souls?

No problem... I've had to deal with that before... I've got just the tool for it.

<Tacha pulls out an eerie Zandalari totem.>

Here it is! Found this ol' soulcatcher totem in one of the southern ruins years ago. It's gotten us out of a few jams.

Disable the golems and throw down this totem next to it. It'll siphon off the souls.

Keep the totem. We'll need it later.


You will receive:


If you're standing here, I assume it worked.


See? I told you that the soulcatcher totem would make it easy. A tool for every problem, I say.


Pick up H [30-60] An Army's Arsenal and H [30-60] The Strongest Rope in Vol'dun before heading into the court. Kill Soul-Trapped Guardians around the ruins, then place the Salvaged Soulcatcher Totem on the ground to give the guardians the Soulless Husk debuff and get quest credit. Killing a guardian will also cause a Released Spirit to emerge from it.

After siphoning five, turn in to Tacha back at the wagon west of the ruins.


  1. Optional breadcrumb: H [30-60] Ruins-Level Marketing
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove

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