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NeutralSix Hundred Feet Under
Start Aurantia [54.6, 54.7]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
End Ebyssian [54.7, 54.5]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 9,500
Rewards Zaralek Cavern World Quests
10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Orientation: Loamm Niffen, N [70] Welcome to the City of Smells
Next N [70] Future Aspects (campaign); N [70] Slime Time Live, N [70] A Swallow's Tale (both optional); N [70] Power Unified
Six Hundred Feet Under

Scalecommander Emberthal, Ebyssian, Wrathion, and Sabellian

Six Hundred Feet Under concludes the "Breaking Ground" chapter of the Embers of Neltharion campaign. The second chapter of the campaign, "Sundered Legacy", begins with the direct followup: N [70] Future Aspects.

After the first character on the account completes this quest, all other characters have instant access to repeatable content in Zaralek Cavern, such as world quests and public objectives.


Discuss the next plan of action with Ebyssian.

  • Regroup with your companions


That was just a taste of the niffen lifestyle. There's still far more to Loamm and even more from Zaralek Cavern. Continue exploring while you pursue the fiery monster, and let its scents continue to amaze you!

For now, Ebyssian asked that I send you his way. Seems your companions are planning what to do next.


You will unlock access to the following:

You will also receive:


There is much to discuss.


Though I still wish you had waited for Emberthal and myself to arrive, I do not believe the outcome would have been any different. This Incarnate is more powerful that we anticipated.

There is much to consider.


On accept:

Ebyssian waves you over.

Ebyssian, Scalecommander Emberthal, Wrathion, and Sabellian are a few yards away. Check in with Ebyssian:

Getting familiar with Loamm, <name>?
Good. I am beginning to realize we will need the niffen's help if we are to survive down here.
Gossip Let's discuss our next steps.
Ebyssian says: The niffen saw an eruption of fire in the cavern you came from. Was that Fyrakk?
Wrathion says: He defeated us as if we were nothing.
Sabellian says: He is surprisingly stealthy. I am sure we can devise an effective strategy if we are not distracted by...
Ebyssian says: The whispers...
Sabellian says: Yes. They distracted us at key moments. They are quieter when I use my visage.
Sabellian says: Also, I have discovered some recording artifice of my father's. He talked of a laboratory called Aberrus. A Sundered Flame partisan was killed by one of them.
Scalecommander Emberthal says: Neltharion... That must be why Sarkareth is here.
Wrathion says: I will go and search for this Aberrus--quietly and alone.
Ebyssian says: Stay hidden, Wrathion.
Ebyssian says: Queen Aurantia has spoken of a nearby temple. Could it be connected to Aberrus?
Sabellian says: I would ask Elder Honeypelt to guide you. She is quite capable.
Wrathion says: Indeed, she saved Sabellian from the deepflayers. You should have heard his cries! Ha!
Wrathion walks off.
Sabellian says: I was able to rescue myself without any assistance whatsoever! Unlike--bah, it is foolish sparring with that whelp!

Ebyssian has new gossip:

It seems our skirmish with Fyrakk has been a blow to us all. I was hoping to proceed with caution, strategy... and unity.

This concludes the "Breaking Ground" criterion of Inv misc questionmark [Embers of Neltharion].

Ebyssian starts the direct followup, N [70] Future Aspects. Additionally, Elder Honeypelt starts N [70] Slime Time Live, and Effervesta starts N [70] A Swallow's Tale, both optional. Further in Loamm, Examiner Tae'shara Bloodwatcher starts N [70] Power Unified.


  1. N [70] The Land Beneath
  2. N [70] A Crack in the World
  3. N [70] Where the Flames Fell
  4. N [70] Scar of Earth and Fire
  5. N [70] The Patience of Princes
  6. N [70] Culling the Deep & N [70] It Was Not Enough
  7. N [70] Niffen and Goliath
  8. N [70] Brother's Keeper
  9. N [70] Secrets From Our Father
  10. N [70] The Earth Gives Way
  11. N [70] Smells Like Loamm
  12. N [70] Orientation: Loamm Niffen & N [70] Welcome to the City of Smells
  13. N [70] Six Hundred Feet Under

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