A skinning trainer is an NPC that offers skinners the opportunity to train.
Landmass |
Trainer |
Location |
Coordinates |
Additional Information
The Maelstrom
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
Town-In-A-Box Sky Falls Gallywix Docks |
The Lost Isles The Lost Isles The Lost Isles |
Teaches only up to Journeyman level.
Available only to starting Goblins.
The Wandering Isle
Whittler Dewei
The Singing Pools |
The Wandering Isle |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Available only to starting Pandaren.
Elder Oakpaw
Mandori Village |
The Wandering Isle |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Available only to starting Pandaren.
Eastern Kingdoms
Wembil Taskwidget
Kharanos |
Dun Morogh |
[53.7, 52] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Lien Farner
Goldshire |
Elwynn Forest |
[42, 67] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Helene Peltskinner
Goldshire |
Elwynn Forest |
[46.3, 62.2]
Jack "All-Trades" Derrington
Duskhaven Stormglen Village Keel Harbor |
Gilneas |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Available only to starting Worgen.
Wilma Ranthal
Stonewatch Falls |
Redridge Mountains |
[78.6, 63.6]
Maris Granger
Old Town |
Stormwind |
[72, 62]
Balthus Stoneflayer
The Great Forge |
Ironforge |
[39, 32]
Therisa Sallow
Calston Estate |
Tirisfal Glades |
[44.5, 53] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Nedric Sallow
Brill |
Tirisfal Glades |
[61, 51] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Rand Rhobart
Southeast of Brill |
Tirisfal Glades |
[65.5, 60.1]
Falconwing Square |
Eversong Woods |
[49, 47] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
West of Silvermoon entrance |
Eversong Woods |
[53.8, 51.2]
Killian Hagey
The Rogues' Quarter |
Undercity |
[70.8, 58.8]
Walk of Elders |
Silvermoon |
[84.0, 80.6]
Iranis Shadebloom
Dolanaar |
Teldrassil |
[56, 52.2] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Radnaal Maneweaver
Northwest of Ban'ethil Hollow |
Teldrassil |
[42, 49]
Azure Watch |
Azuremyst Isle |
[48.5, 52.2] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Stillpine Hold |
Azuremyst Isle |
[44.7, 23.5]
Humbert Tanwell
Theramore |
Dustwallow Marsh |
[66.4, 45.2]
Craftsmen's Terrace |
Darnassus |
[60.2, 37.0]
Trader's Tier |
The Exodar |
[65, 74]
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
Bilgewater Harbor |
Azshara |
[57, 50.5] |
Teaches only up to Journeyman level.
Razor Hill |
Durotar |
[53, 42] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Lalum Darkmane
Bloodhoof Village |
Mulgore |
[46.5, 57.5] |
Teaches only Apprentice level.
Yonn Deepcut
Bloodhoof Village |
Mulgore |
[45.5, 57.9]
Shadowprey Village |
Desolace |
[23.2, 69.8]
Kulleg Stonehorn
Camp Mojache |
Feralas |
[74.5, 43.0]
Kodohide Leatherworkers, the Drag |
Orgrimmar |
[61.0, 54.6]
Valley of Wisdom |
Orgrimmar |
[39.6, 49.6]
Middle rise |
Thunder Bluff |
[44.6, 43.0]
Jelena Nightsky
Honor Hold |
Hellfire Peninsula |
[54.5, 62.2]
Thrallmar |
Hellfire Peninsula |
[56.3, 38.5]
Aldor Rise |
Shattrath City |
[37.6, 27.8] |
Not available to members of the Scryers.
Scryer's Tier |
Shattrath City |
[40.8, 63.4] |
Not available to members of the Aldor.
Lower City |
Shattrath City |
[63.6, 66.0]
Trapper Jack
Valiance Keep |
Borean Tundra |
[57.6, 71.9]
Frederic Burrhus
Valgarde |
Howling Fjord |
[59.9, 63.7]
Tiponi Stormwhisper
Taunka'le Village |
Borean Tundra |
[76.3, 37.4]
Roberta Jacks
Vengeance Landing |
Howling Fjord |
[78.3, 28.2]
Derik Marks
Legendary Leathers, Magus Commerce Exchange |
Dalaran |
[35.7, 28.8]
Hao of the Stag's Horns
Paw'don Village |
Jade Forest |
[44.8, 85.6]
Trapper Ri
Honeydew Village |
Jade Forest |
[27.8, 15.4]
Shademaster Kiryn
Location in Pandaria depends on quest progress.
Master Cannon
Peak of Serenity |
Kun-Lai Summit |
[50.6, 42.0]
Mr. Pleeb
Nesingwary's Safari |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[16.0, 83.0]
Rangari Laandon
Stormshield |
Ashran |
[51.8, 42.6]
Kondal Huntsworn
Warspear |
Ashran |
[49.8, 39.8]
Broken Isles
[[]] |
Azsuna |
[47, 45]
Kondal Huntsworn
Legendary Leathers |
Dalaran |
[35.8, 28.6]
Nastrondir |
Stormheim |
[45.6, 25.6]
Patch changes[]
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): all trainer ranks were equalized.