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MobSkittering Broodmother
Image of Skittering Broodmother
Gender Female
Race Mawrat (Beast)
Level 62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Mother's Den, Maw [61.7, 77.9]VZ-MawBlip
Pet family Rodent

Skittering Broodmother is a mawrat located in the Mother's Den of the Beastwarrens in the Maw.

Killing Skittering Broodmother awards 40 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 45 Inv stygia [Stygia], and 300 points of threat (30% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer. She also drops Inv cape leather oribosquesting b 01 [Broodmotherhide Cloak].


  • Inv misc bone 09 Giant Nibble — Nibble an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Spell warlock darkregeneration Mawrat Maul — Stuns an enemy, rendering it unable to move or attack for 0.5 sec. Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Inv mawrat Swarm of Rats — Mawrat Brood Mother calls forth the brood.

Objective of[]

  • Skittering Broodmother (quest)

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