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NeutralSlain Trapper
Image of Slain Trapper
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Trappers
Location Grizzly Hills
Status Deceased

Slain Trappers are dead human trappers that can be found at multiple locations in the Grizzly Hills.

Slain Trappers can be found at the Evergreen Trading Post. [16.7, 66.2]VZ-Grizzly HillsBlip This post has been overrun by the Horde of Conquest Hold, presumably killing its original inhabitants.

Another group is found at White Pine Trading Post, [57.3, 41.7]VZ-Grizzly HillsBlip having been killed by the trapper dissident Sasha.

A third group is found around the unnamed post near the Granite Springs. [22.0, 51.3]VZ-Grizzly HillsBlip The tower is on fire and all its denizens are dead.


Considering many in the Wolfcult have eventually become worgen, some the slain trappers could have also been infected by the worgen curse. However, all the corpses seem to belong to humans.

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