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Smokywood Pastures is the name of a goblin business. They are most prominent during the Feast of Winter Veil selling Feast of Winter Veil goods, but can also be found year-round selling food and drink outside of battlegrounds.

The Copperpinch family sells primarily to the Horde, while the Jinglepocket family sells primarily to the Alliance, but in Shattrath City they share the sales. In spite of their faction specific locations, the Smokywood Pastures vendors are all neutral, and will sell to either faction, if you can get to them.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.

Smokywood Pastures battleground vendors sell fruit, fungus, meat, and drink items. The Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin vendors only carry food items of level 25, 35, 45, and 55, and the Alterac Valley vendors only carry level 55 items. The food items require a character level ten lower or above for use (level 25 food requires character level 15 or above), so very early entry characters (levels 10 to 14 going into Warsong Gulch) are not served. Top level participants will prefer more robust fare than is offered.

The variety of foods available might be for hunters whose pet won't eat meat, but Wind Serpent's diet (bread, cheese, or fish) is not covered. Pets will consume food above their level, and so can be served. Top level participants will still prefer more robust fare than is offered, although even a level 80 pet will eat level 55 food (with diminished benefit).

Smokywood Pastures battleground vendors stand in the area outside their battleground entrance. They are not available to characters in the battleground, nor to characters that enter the battleground from another location (but other locations generally have plenty of food vendors.) The battleground entrances are somewhat remote, and the nearest food vendor not at the battleground entrance is invariably a fair hike away, so these guys do serve a purpose for the players who use these entrances.

Copperpinch family - Battlegrounds
Name Location Battleground Food Level
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Hecht Copperpinch The Barrens [46, 08]VZ-Northern BarrensBlip Warsong Gulch 25, 35, 45, 55
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Kosco Copperpinch Arathi Highlands [74, 29]VZ-Arathi HighlandsBlip Arathi Basin 25, 35, 45, 55
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Dillord Copperpinch Alterac Mountains [62, 58]VZ-Hillsbrad FoothillsBlip Alterac Valley 55 only
Jinglepocket family - Battlegrounds
Name Location Battleground Food Level
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Gapp Jinglepocket Ashenvale [62, 82]VZ-AshenvaleBlip Warsong Gulch 25, 35, 45, 55
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Targot Jinglepocket Arathi Highlands [46, 45]VZ-Arathi HighlandsBlip Arathi Basin 25, 35, 45, 55
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Mirvyna Jinglepocket Alterac Mountains [40, 80]VZ-Hillsbrad FoothillsBlip Alterac Valley 55 only

Feast of Winter Veil[]

During the Feast of Winter Veil, the vendors are paired, male and female, one selling lower value Feast of Winter Veil goods and the other selling higher value Feast of Winter Veil goods. Several also give Feast of Winter Veil quests. The low value vendors in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, Penney Copperpinch and Wulmort Jinglepocket, also sell unique seasonal patterns. Darnassus does not have a Smokywood Pastures vendor presence during the Feast of Winter Veil, so there are two more Copperpinches than Jinglepockets.

Copperpinch family - Feast of Winter Veil
Name Location Vends
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Hotoppik Copperpinch Silvermoon City [63, 79]VZ-Silvermoon CityBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Jaycrue Copperpinch The Undercity [67, 38]VZ-UndercityBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Kaymard Copperpinch Orgrimmar [53, 66]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Morshelz Copperpinch Silvermoon City [63, 78]VZ-Silvermoon CityBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Nardstrum Copperpinch The Undercity [67, 38]VZ-UndercityBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Olnayvi Copperpinch Shattrath City [60, 57]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Penney Copperpinch Orgrimmar [53, 65]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Seersa Copperpinch Thunder Bluff [41, 54]VZ-Thunder BluffBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Whulwert Copperpinch Thunder Bluff [41, 55]VZ-Thunder BluffBlip higher value
Jinglepocket family - Feast of Winter Veil
Name Location Vends
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Bessbi Jinglepocket The Exodar [55, 47]VZ-ExodarBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Eebee Jinglepocket Shattrath City [51, 29]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Guchie Jinglepocket Stormwind City [62, 70]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Khole Jinglepocket Stormwind City [62, 70]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Macey Jinglepocket Ironforge [33, 67]VZ-IronforgeBlip higher value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Wolgren Jinglepocket The Exodar [54, 47]VZ-ExodarBlip lower value
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Wulmort Jinglepocket Ironforge [33, 67]VZ-IronforgeBlip lower value

Wonderform Operators[]

The Wonderform Operators do not have individual names. They do not vend anything, but will describe their machine, and may have a quest. It is not necessary to interact with them to use the Spell frost frostshock [PX-238 Winter Wondervolt].

They start the following quests:

Wonderform Operators - Feast of Winter Veil
Location Notes
Dalaran [49, 44]VZ-DalaranBlip in the city's center, in Runeweaver Square
Dun Morogh [53, 35]VZ-Dun MoroghBlip just outside the Gates of Ironforge
Orgrimmar [50, 62]VZ-OrgrimmarBlip near the flight master
Eversong Woods [56, 52]VZ-Eversong WoodsBlip just outside Silvermoon City
The Exodar [79, 55]VZ-ExodarBlip outside at eastern entrance
Shattrath [79, 58]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip across the eastern bridge
Stormwind City [67, 73]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip at the ramp to the gryphon roost
Stranglethorn Vale [26, 73]VZ-Stranglethorn ValeBlip on the docks of Booty Bay
Tanaris [53, 27]VZ-TanarisBlip just east of Gadgetzan
Tirisfal Glades [61, 59]VZ-Tirisfal GladesBlip just off the eastern zeppelin tower
Wetlands [09, 58]VZ-WetlandsBlip near the docks of Menethil Harbor


  • Smokywood Pastures is a nod to Hickory Farms, which is popular in the United States and Canada for its specialty meats and cheeses in gift boxes and baskets.
  • All named Smokywood Pastures vendors have first names similar to that of a real world store.
Trivia - store name references
Name Store Name Store Name Store
Bessbi Jinglepocket Best Buy Kaymard Copperpinch Kmart Olnayvi Copperpinch Old Navy
Dillord Copperpinch Dillard's Khole Jinglepocket Kohl's Penney Copperpinch JCPenney
Eebee Jinglepocket EB Games Kosco Copperpinch Costco Seersa Copperpinch Sears
Gapp Jinglepocket Gap Macey Jinglepocket Macy's Targot Jinglepocket Target
Guchie Jinglepocket Gucci Mirvyna Jinglepocket Mervyn's Whulwert Copperpinch Woolworth's
Hecht Copperpinch Hecht's Morshelz Copperpinch Marshalls Wolgren Jinglepocket Walgreens
Hotoppik Copperpinch Hot Topic Nardstrum Copperpinch Nordstrom Wulmort Jinglepocket Walmart
Jaycrue Copperpinch J.Crew