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NeutralSnazzle Shinyfinder
Image of Snazzle Shinyfinder
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bluewax
Location Candle Rock, Highmountain[55.2, 42.4]VZ-HighmountainBlip
Status Alive

Snazzle Shinyfinder is a Bluewax kobold found in Candle Rock in Highmountain during N [10-45] Candle of Command and N [10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends. According to Intern Jackie, Snazzle is a good worker, and he appears to be skilled at finding things.

During N [10-45] Candle of Command, Snazzle is the first kobold to appear to be offered a job by the adventurer. During N [10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends, he is also the first to return, having found several shiny objects in the nearby burial ground.

Objective of[]


N [10-45] Candle of Command
Snazzle Shinyfinder says: I just in time for job!
Intern Jackie says: Snazzle good worker. I pick just for you.

When spoken to:

What you want me find? Me have shovel!
  • Gossip Pilfer golden coins from graves within the nearby burial grounds.
Boss make up words? No understand.
  • Gossip Go find shiny! Dig dirt in dead place.
N [10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends
Snazzle Shinyfinder says: I found shiniest shinies for boss!

When spoken to:

Me find shiny coins at bury place! So many, so shiny. What me do with them?
Gossip You keep one. I keep rest.
Snazzle Shinyfinder says: Boss is the best!

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Candle of Command Burn the Candle at Both Ends