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MobSnowblind Follower
Image of Snowblind Follower
Race Snobold (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Snowblind
Location Garm's Bane, Storm Peaks
Status Killable

Snowblind Followers are running in Garm's Bane towards K3 in Storm Peaks alongside the Garm Invader magnataur. They're not posing a threat, though, as the K3 Perimeter Turrets are quite capable of taking them out.

Objective of[]

In the Money achievement A Silver Confidant/Money achievement The Sunreavers-level daily quest A [25-30 Daily] Gormok Wants His Snobolds/(Horde), players are tasked to capture eight followers with the Inv misc net 01 [Weighted Net] so that Gormok the Impaler will hopefully calm down.


  • Grrrrr!
  • Me not afraid!
  • Net not stop me! No... net stop me.
  • No kill me!
  • No!
  • You no take... me!

Patch changes[]

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