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MobSolstice Hunter
Image of Solstice Hunter
Gender Both
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Class Hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Wolfcult
Location Solstice Village, Grizzly Hills
Status Killable
Solstice Hunter Worgen

A Solstice Hunter in worgen form.

Solstice Hunters are found at Solstice Village in the Grizzly Hills. They transform into worgen when their health gets low.


  • Spell fire flameshock Immolation Trap — Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for 33 Fire damage over 30 sec. Trap will exist for 30 sec. Only one trap can be active at a time.
  • Ability upgrademoonglaive Multi-Shot — Fires a volley of missiles at an enemy and its nearby allies, striking up to 3 targets for 110% weapon damage.
  • Ability hunter criticalshot Scorpid Sting — Stings the target, reducing chance to hit by 5% for 15 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
  • Ability hunter quickshot Serpent Sting — Stings the target, causing 3221 Nature damage over 15 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
  • Ability marksmanship Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Lycanthropy - The caster becomes a Worgen.

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