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MobSpectral Performer
Image of Spectral Performer
Gender Both
Race Human (Undead)
Level 31 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Karazhan
Status Killable

Spectral Performers are human ghosts located in Karazhan.


  • Spell nature sleep Bad Poetry — Puts an enemy to sleep for up to 10 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only one target can be asleep at a time.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct Curtain Call — Deals fire damage in an area.
  • Spell holy innerfire Spotlight — Summons a spotlight at the caster's location for 15 sec that buffs anyone inside it.


  • Immune to Freezing Trap
  • Immune to Shackle

Will perform Bad Poetry on random raid members within range.

Tank away from the rest of the raid group. Upon death, Spectral Performer will activate Curtain Call, dealing moderate fire damage to those within range of the spell. Ranged fighters should avoid it, but it is generally only a problem to a raid if a pull went bad.

The mobs should be pulled out of the spotlights as soon as they appear. Your damage dealers can run into the spotlights themselves to receive the damage bonus buff.


  • I will not be upstaged by amateurs!
  • It's so cold, so dark.... I'm not overacting, am I?
  • Make sure my name is spelled correctly on the tombst--
  • The show must go on!
  • And I MUST have a carafe of sweet nectar in my dressing room. It's right there in my contract!
  • I told him he would simply have to contact my agent.
  • No, no, that was under the OLD guild rules....


Reputation: Provides 15 reputation with the Violet Eye.

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