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MobSpirit of Hatred
Image of Spirit of Hatred
Race Sha (Elemental)
Level 20-35
Location Temple of the White Tiger, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Killable

Spirit of Hatred is a sha which manifested into a form of Varian Wrynn located in Kun-Lai Summit.

Objective of[]


  • Sha Corruption 50 yd range — Inflicts 10% of the target's maximum health in Shadow damage every 1 sec to all enemies in a 3 yard radius 3 sec cast. Drops a void zone on the ground that ticks every second. (5 sec cooldown)
  • Hated Blast 40 yd range — Deals 500% weapon damage as Shadow damage. 3 sec cast. Interruptible. Hits for 25,000 Shadow. (5 sec cooldown)
  • Devastation 6 yd range — Inflicts 35% of the target's max health to enemies within a semi-circle in front of the caster. 4 sec cast. The area of effect is marked on the ground. (5 sec cooldown)
  • Whirlwind of Anger — Spin rapidly in a circle, inflicting Physical damage around the caster and rendering them immune to roots and snares for 5 sec. 3 sec cast. Triggers... (8 sec cooldown)
    • Whirlwind of Anger — Inflicts 15% of the target's maximum health as Physical damage in a 7 yard radius around the caster.

Patch changes[]

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